I’m going to be speaking to state retirees at their annual meeting Tuesday morning. Amazingly, they have asked me to do that even after I spoke to them last year.
I’ve roughed out a speech, and I’m not really crazy about it. Maybe I can improve it some tonight. But in the meantime, I’ve looked back over the speech I delivered last year, and in retrospect, I sort of like it. So if I can figure out how to attach a Word document to this posting, I’ll share it with you.
Maybe I’ll post the new one, too. But it’s going to have to get a lot better first. Or I’ll have to let some time pass. These things tend to look better after the fact.
Enjoy the old one, if you’ve got nothing better to do. It’s about leadership in South Carolina, or the lack thereof.
Download state_retirees_speech.doc
I thought your 2nd annual speech to the State Retirees Assn. was better than the first. Please post it on your blog.
Thanks for the Editorial comments in todays State newspaper relative to Senate 618. Without appropriate action on Senate 618 Gov.Sanford and R.Eckstrom will have an excuse to deny State retirees the 3.4% Cost of Living Adjustment that so many need. We have been told the unfunded liability will exceed the 30 year limit.
The House-Senate conference committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday at 10:00am in 105 Gressette. This was not posted on the meeting schedule for legislative meetings the last time I checked. The State retirees source has indicated to us that a meeting will be held on Tuesday. There are only three days left to address this very important matter. Thanks for your assistance.
Kent Phillips
Thanks again for your presentation to the State Retirees.
Kent Phillips
Governor Sanford constantly lectures us that he is all about getting a great return on our tax dollars; and that he also wants all South Carolinians to have a better quality of life, and to increase trade and wages. That is great, I could not agree more.
So what is with all of these vetoes? Especially the veto of funds to help the struggling community of Willington in rural McCormick County? The funds earmarked for that community amount to seed money to enhance tourism and ultimately income, and more jobs! Let’s see that sounds like a good investment of tax dollars that will net an increase in the quality of life for Willington Citizens, and increase in wages. WOW, sounds like that money is in line with helping meet the Governor’s goals. What gives. I think this can be explained by looking at the Governor’s background of wealth and privilege. He does not know what it is like to live from pay check to pay check, to have to work nights and weekends just to feed the family. He is not even a native South Carolinian! And you know, he never sponsored legislation in Congress that resulted in any change or improvement. This man is all talk – and no action. He could not get a consensus to get himself out of a wet paper sack!
Furthermore, He is also an egg headed Libertarian and he allows these pointy headed ideas to over rule common sense. This is not pork! This is about helping people to help themselves. But Mark cannot understand that, after all this is the same Mark Sanford who tells poor black children in Allendale County that they can have better schools if they just study harder, and their parents pay more taxes, and get local business to pay for school related expenses. Sure Governor, and I have lake front property for sale at a real deal in the center of the desert in Saudi Arabia!
Another example of his being out of touch with the people of South Carolina, is this odd notion of his to sell off Santee Cooper. He says it does not make enough money, that he could get more for it if he were to sell it, so private for profit company could run it and he say run it better!!!!??? I guess the operative term here is FOR PROFIT. At least that is what a tax funded study he ordered says. And what is with his wife running meetings with the Board of Santee Cooper!
Sounds kinda like Hillary Clinton stuff to me!!!!!