Jeff Willis wakes up

I knew Jeff Willis didn’t have any money to put up even a token runoff campaign against Thomas Ravenel, who we all know is going to crush him next Tuesday.

But I really thought he had taken taken passivity to a new level when I checked several days ago and he hadn’t even updated his Web site.

I’ve been meaning to mention that here ever since I noticed it, and now that I get around to it, I see that he has put up a couple of new press releases — no, excuse me: three new press releases — and has a banner on the main page saying, "REMEMBER TO VOTE ON JUNE 27th!"

He’s still going to get creamed, but if a man’s going to go down, I like to see him go down swinging. After all, unlike the inevitable victor, Mr. Willis actually wants the job.


3 thoughts on “Jeff Willis wakes up

  1. Nathan

    Sad, but this state will soon have a cabinet full of politicians in positions that they only want as a stepping stone to another political seat (Ravenel, Floyd, Campbell, etc.). It is disappointing that voters were either left with no reasonable choice (Lt Gov) or made the wrong ones (Floyd and Ravenel).

  2. mark

    I think every politician in the state sees his or her job as a stepping-stone. It’s in their blood. Practically every member of the general assembly daydreams about being governor.
    Would we really want a lieutenant governor who aspired only to ever be a lieutenant governor?
    I have to say, though, that I think the state did benefit from having Treasurer Patterson in office so long. Maybe that’s one answer. Give Patterson another term.
    With Willis staying in the race, it will probably give Ravenel a huge margin of victory—- probably 80 percent to 20, giving Ravenel lots of momentum. So Willis is doing Ravenel a big favor by staying in and being lax.

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