This was contributed by a reader in West Columbia named Howard Hughes. No, not the one who watched "Ice Station Zebra" all the time — another Howard Hughes. Anyway, a lot of people (mostly people from North Carolina) like to say we’re 40 years behind the Tarheels. Could it be so?:
In 1956, NC elected Luther Hodges governor. In 1960 Terry Sanford was elected governor. In 1964 Dan K. Moore succeeded Gov. Sanford. While Hodges and Sanford were in fact one-termers, that was mandated in the NC Constitution at that time.
In SC: 1998 Jim Hodges…succeeded in 2002 by Mark Sanford…four years later, maybe, Tommy Moore replaces Sanford?
Though I live in Lexington County, I’m still firmly in the Sanford camp and hope this three governor coincidence doesn’t come to pass (I didn’t mind it a bit when Sanford succeeded Hodges in SC, but two is enough).
If it makes it to three you heard it here first (maybe).
Good luck,
Howard Hughes
West Columbia
“Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy, that our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers; learn from Northern school books THEIR version of the war; and taught to regard our gallant dead as traitors and our maimed veterans as fit subjects of derision.” —
Gen. Patrick Cleburne, Confederate States of America
Well, thank you, Gen. Cleburne, but what does that have to do with the subject at hand?