And Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln

This was contributed by a reader in West Columbia named Howard Hughes. No, not the one who watched "Ice Station Zebra" all the time — another Howard Hughes. Anyway, a lot of people (mostly people from North Carolina) like to say we’re 40 years behind the Tarheels. Could it be so?:

In 1956, NC elected Luther Hodges governor.  In 1960 Terry Sanford was elected governor. In 1964 Dan K. Moore succeeded Gov. Sanford. While Hodges and Sanford were in fact one-termers, that was mandated in the NC Constitution at that time.

In SC:  1998 Jim Hodges…succeeded in 2002 by Mark Sanford…four years later, maybe, Tommy Moore replaces Sanford?

Though I live in Lexington County, I’m still firmly in the Sanford camp and hope this three governor coincidence doesn’t come to pass (I didn’t mind it a bit when Sanford succeeded Hodges in SC, but two is enough).

If it makes it to three you heard it here first (maybe).

Good luck,

Howard Hughes
West Columbia

2 thoughts on “And Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln

  1. PTB

    “Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy, that our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers; learn from Northern school books THEIR version of the war; and taught to regard our gallant dead as traitors and our maimed veterans as fit subjects of derision.” —
    Gen. Patrick Cleburne, Confederate States of America


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