Woe unto you gray souls who have sulked and griped at my recent attempts at keeping things light and diverting. As of this day, endorsement interviews for the fall general election are under way. Within hours, I will be filing my painfully serious reports on serious interrogations of serious candidates — and the other sorts of candidates as well.
Soon, you will be begging for Top Five Lists to return.
And you will have no one to blame but yourselves.
You might feel safer doing the interviews at
Guantanamo Bay.I clicked the endorsment interview’s link and when I got to the Moffly link,I clicked it and got in huge bold print:Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).Sounds like an omen to me.
Brad, I am glad you are starting to do something worthwhile instead of wasting your time censoring blog posts. You must have been bored.
You could save yourself a lot of time by just posting the interviews with candidates who oppose any type of school voucher program or tax cuts. They’re the only ones who you will be endorsing anyway.
I’m thinking Eckerd might want to start selling a Brad Warthen Home Endorsement Test. Dip the stick in your urine and if it says “vouchers”, drop out of the race.
Well, you’re going to be right statistically, Doug, since most candidates to oppose the tax credits for public schools. For instance, both Bill Cotty and Anton Gunn are strong supporters of public education.
I’ll be interested in seeing how many voucher supporters The State endorses.
Your rhetoric about “strong supporters of public education” is hollow. They are simply supporters of the status quo, i.e. waste, inefficiency, no real accountability,
more of the same. What ideas have these supposed champions of public education brought to the table? Your recaps of the interviews so far offer ZERO ideas.
We already know what scores brownie points with The State:
* unquestioned spending on public schools
* no limits on taxation
* as many kinds of taxes as possible ( The Ten Legged Stool)
* feel-good bromide jargon and meaningless slogans
* being a professional politician
* not being a businessman
I can only speak for myself obviously, but when it comes to elections this time, I’ll vote for whoever isn’t in office and vote out those that are regardless. It’s time for a change period. Flush the toilet!
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My life’s been pretty dull these days. Not much on my mind recently. My mind is like a fog, but shrug. I haven’t been up to anything today, but oh well. I haven’t gotten much done lately.
I haven’t gotten much done. Basically nothing noteworthy going on right now, but shrug. I can’t be bothered with anything recently. I guess it doesn’t bother me. Maybe tomorrow. I feel like a bunch of nothing.