Cash? Where? How can I get some?

One might have expected any number of responses, ranging from outrage to indifference, to Cindi’s recent columns about the outrageous way that lawmakers came up with to dole out millions in pork without the least chance of veto or any other form of accountability.

But I didn’t expect this response, even though I suppose I should have.

Cindi got an email this morning from an enterprising individual in the private sector, posing the following question:

Is it too late to
submit an application for the grants you mentioned in today’s paper?  If not,
how do I find out how to apply for one?
I am not making this up. Of course, you are now thinking, this is just somebody being ironic, right? Well, Cindi treated it as a serious question, responding:

I think I remember
that the application period is still open.  If you go to the Budget and Control
Board page on the homepage (,
there’s a link to "competitive grants" at the top of the rail on the

We’re all about providing news you can use around here. She was, of course, curious to see what the guy would say next. His response:

Thanks and
I appreciate the quick response.

Now maybe he was just staying in character and keeping the gag going. But there are a lot of people in this world upon whom irony is utterly lost. If you don’t believe me, look at a lot of the feedback I get on this blog.

5 thoughts on “Cash? Where? How can I get some?

  1. Doug Ross

    It would be very helpful to see all the grants that this slush fund was used for.
    Is that information available either normally or via Freedom of Information request?
    Every one of these transactions should be immediately posted on the internet when the check is cut. There should be a full detailing of how much, who gets it, and why they are getting it.
    I’ve stopped getting mad about this type of activity because the people of SC voted for all these jokers… and will continue to do so. Now, if Andre Bauer gets a speeding ticket, that will require several days worth of news analysis and editorializing… stealing public funds is no big deal.

  2. Brad Warthen

    Good question. I don’t know about the list. I’ll check, but I can’t check until tomorrow…
    If I can find it, I’ll either post the list itself, or a link.

  3. Lee

    I have sent FOIA Requests for all the tax abatements and handouts given to special interests who purchased these benefits with “campaign contributions” to their corrupt legislators.
    I sent this to the Dept of Revenue, Budget and Control Board, and Dept of Commerce.
    So far, no reply, because our FOIA laws are have no requirements that the bureaucrats actually comply.


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