Whatever you do, don’t dial this number!

I‘m going to have to be extra careful not to accidentally call the governor from my contacts list. The consequences to the nation of his hearing his phone ring could be dire.

I just got this release:

For Immediate Release

May 3, 2007

Gov. Sanford Says He Would Answer the
Call to Run for Veep Should His Phone Ring

Says Of Those Who Claim Otherwise, “I
don’t think they’re being honest ”

Columbia SCIn a taped
interview that aired on ETV’s
The Big
program Thursday night at 7:30
Gov. Mark Sanford told managing editor and host Andrew
that if he were contacted by the 2008
Republican Presidential candidate, offering him the position of vice president
on the ticket, he would take that call.

“If somebody called, it’s about like a bolt of lightning
coming in your direction. Of course you’d take the call. And people who say…I
wouldn’t even take the call, I don’t think they’re being honest.”

Sanford acknowledged that his name is being floated as a
potential vice-presidential candidate-by friend and foe alike. “It’s been
bandied about by both friends and supporters,” he said. “Some who love you keep
throwing your name out there. And others who really don’t like you throw it out
there," the governor laughed.  "So, it depends on the perspective."

Still, Sanford doesn’t appear to be hovering by the
phone, awaiting the nod. “I don’t believe there’s a chance in the world that it
will happen,” he told Gobeil. “So, we’re living our lives accordingly, quite
busy with four boys at the house and the budget cycle that we are in the middle


Of course, the consequences to SC would be worse. You know who is next in line to be governor, don’t you?

8 thoughts on “Whatever you do, don’t dial this number!

  1. Doug Ross

    Which candidates would consider Sanford? I can’t help but think McCain still has some bad feelings about SC due to Bush’s smear job in 2000. Giuliani/Sanford would be such an odd couple, I don’t think it would play well.
    Anyway, it all comes down to winning Florida and Ohio anyway, so it’ll probably
    be Jeb Bush for VEEP.

  2. Randy E

    I agree with Doug regarding the benefit of having Sanford as a draw. Al Gore didn’t even bother flying over SC in the 2000 general election let alone campaign here. Did Kerry bother? SC is going to the GOP regardless of the candidate.
    Besides, Cheney’s not going any where. He’s taken root in the White House.

  3. Rickyrab

    South Carolina…. why not consider the Democrats? Sticking to one party “right or wrong” is rather silly, given that both parties may have valid arguments.

  4. ed

    I think Mit Romney is Vice Presidential timber. I still don’t think the correct man has come forward yet who could and should be President. Has anyone heard from Rick Santorum lately? Ed

  5. Steve Gordy

    Once upon a time, VP candidates were chosen either for regional balance or because they could swing a key state (LBJ in ’60 was a classic case). Things are different now, but I don’t see what advantage there is for the GOP in picking a potential Veep who can’t get along with the legislature in which his party holds a majority. Besides, the GOP will carry South Carolina in any case, so there’s no big state pickup from picking our Governor.


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