Here’s another of Capt. James Smith’s PDF updates to family and friends back home, from Kandahar Airfield, a forward base in the fight against the Taliban.
The photo above, taken on Saturday, shows him and "Ink" on the hood of his M114 Up-Armored Humvee.
Wow this surge thing sure was a great idea. From MSNBC:
Worst 3 months for U.S. in Iraq since war began
5 GIs killed in latest attack, bringing U.S. toll to 329 for the past 3 months
The immigration debate served it’s purpose for the right by diverting attention away from the quagmire in Iraq, energy, health care and other issues important to the American people to an issue that is really not very important. So what if a few Mexicans come into the U.S. to pick tomatoes. Talk about your tempest in a teapot. Meanwhile the real problems continue to fester.
bud, you are being obtuse. Some of them are picking strawberries, too. So don’t belittle the magnitude of this “invasion.”
Seriously, though… you don’t really believe in such nonsense as a right-wing conspiracy to create a distraction, do you? Try thinking about this: The right is madder than it’s ever been because Bush teamed up with Kennedy and some centrists on this bill. And then the RIGHT killed it as quickly as they could. Now they’re walking about full of themselves, snorting with triumph and looking for something else to stomp on.
So who is it that you think was creating the diversion, and to benefit whom?
Once again, we’re talking here about the titanic fallacy of looking upon politics as some sort of simple dichotomy, left vs. right. The world simply does not work that way.
Another point: This post wasn’t about the “surge.” Kandahar is in Afghanistan.
Well, I certainly admire our troops.
And we did the right thing going into Afghanistan. I admire Capt. Smith and others willing to fight, and I pray they all come home safely. As a veteran I can tell you it’s not easy.
Just think how different things would be in Afghanistan if we had never invaded Iraq, and could have focused our attention and resources there? Maybe good decent men and women in the SC Guard would be home instead of putting their lives on the line.
But instead, Bush/Cheney screwed things up by invading Iraq.
Please, read “Fiasco,” and “Imperial Life in the Emerald City.” Both authors do a great job documenting how badly the Bush administration handled Iraq from start to present.