So that’s what I look like in tabloid

When the weather’s like this, I’m pretty much a seersucker kind of guy (OK, no "Sophie’s Choice" cracks, wise guys), but I happened to run across the New York Post version of my column from yesterday, and now I know what I look like in tabloid.

OK, so with this look, I guess I ditch the bow tie, right? I think I’d better check with Eddie over at Lourie’s.

4 thoughts on “So that’s what I look like in tabloid

  1. Bill C.

    Did Lourie’s pay for that link to their sale like everyone else on The State’s website who has an advertisement?

  2. Brad Warthen

    Nope. But do you think I could hit them up for a suit?
    Seriously, bud: I thought of it as a link to the Lourie’s site, for the sake of those who didn’t understand what “Lourie’s” was. Remember, there have been a whole lot of nonlocal readers on the blog this week. I was thinking of them — and they’re not all that likely to care about the sale, are they? (Of course, if Lourie’s does make a sale, that would be cool, too — I just hadn’t thought on those lines. They’re good folks — Joel, all of the family and employees there.)
    Anyway, to me, that’s what links are for — to answer anticipated questions, to provide another level of info for those who care enough about it to click.
    Do you think there was a better way? I’m open to suggestions here.

  3. Brad Warthen

    Hey, I just clicked on it and saw what you meant. Yesterday, that link went to a fairly generic picture of some male model showing off nice clothes. Now, it’s a sale flier. Either a coincidence, or some quick salesmanship on Lourie’s part…

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