Um… who’s gonna tell the Maharishi what this looks like?

Do you sometimes get e-mail that makes you think somebody is sending you up? I certainly do, and I’m not just talking about the stuff I get from the S.C. Democratic and Republican parties….

Today’s prize-winner is in a category of its own. What do you say about a developer who wants to put up a "Tower of Invincibility" — I am not making this up!in downtown Washington, D.C.?

Oh, wait, I’m not finished. What do you further say when the design of the building tempts you to say such things as "Is that the design or are you just glad to see me?" and "What — the Washington monument wasn’t phallic enough for you?"

I’m just getting warmed up… the developer says he got the idea to build the tower from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Really. If the Maharishi dreamed this up, maybe there was something to those rumors about Mia Farrow.

Finally, the developer is asking the public to tell him where he should put his tower. Honestly — you can’t make up stuff like this. I can’t, anyway.

Maharishi, what have you done?

6 thoughts on “Um… who’s gonna tell the Maharishi what this looks like?

  1. bill

    Good one Doug,but you’re making me think impure thoughts.Yeah,I’ve been asked to become a Catholic.
    I haven’t gotten any of those,but I’ve noticed my “millionaire emails” aren’t coming from Nigeria anymore.It’s Iraq or Japan.
    I’d be afraid to reply to the email,but it’d be fun to tell him where to put his tower

  2. Gary

    They say that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder….
    So…. what you see is what you…… Hmmmm … what you … Hmmmm
    No…. I can’t do that

  3. weldon VII

    Sexy Sadie,
    You’ll get yours get,
    However big you think you are.
    There’s a punny kind of prophecy there.
    But how could the Maharishi get his and still be a Tower of Invincibility?
    Well, the words do just keep playing.

  4. Lawson English

    To the Maharishi, this is quite possible a Very Good Thing anyway. His religion takes naturally occurring phallic symbols like large icicles to be a good omen, for example, and one of the most famous temple complexes in India is dedicated to the Kama Sutras. Only westerners with sexual hang-ups that buildings that have a phallic resemblance are worth talking about merely because they have a phallic resemblance…

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