WASHINGTON — Russia’s military offensive into Georgia has jolted the Bush
administration’s relationship with Moscow, senior officials said Thursday, forcing a wholesale reassessment of American dealings with Russia and jeopardizing talks on everything from halting Iran’s nuclear ambitions to reducing strategic arsenals to cooperation on missiles defenses.
The conflict punctuated a stark turnabout in the administration’s view of Vladimir V. Putin, the president turned prime minister whom President Bush has repeatedly described as a trustworthy friend. Now Mr. Bush’s aides complain that Russian officials have been misleading or at least evasive about Russia’s intentions in Georgia….
Do ya think? Apparently, the president didn’t gaze deeply enough into his eyes the first time. If you ask me, this second look has produced a more accurate assessment.
The Putin an Chernomyrdin gang are KGB. Al Gore was all buddy-buddy with them (The Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission).
When the electronic 1999 theft of $10 BILLION from the IMF was traced to these thugs, the Clinton administration did nothing. I wonder how much of that found its way back to the Gore 2000 campaign.
If you’re going to blame a US President & Vice President for the conditions that lead to the IMF, you better add Reagan & Bush. It was their inactions after the fall of the Soviet Union that led to a vacuum of power where the mafia & corrupt politicos in Russia could gain power and thrive.
The first IMF loan was paid out and accused of disappearing in January of 1992. Clinton was not sworn in as President until Janurary 20, 1993.
But after all these years, there is still no proof that there was an theft.
Independant auditors from PriceWaters Cooper found no wrong doings. But wait, a young George W. Bush laid the very same accusation about Gore in 2000, but had to quickly retreat as his accusations were proven to be false. YET AGAIN.
Looks like Rush led you astray yet again.
Lee, save yourself the time and embarassment and check your/Rush’s facts before you copy/paste his rants.
You can have your own opinion, just not your own facts.
Joel, you may as well give up trying to lecture Lee about his false facts. He lives in a different universe.
As for Brad. I should remind you Mr. Editorial Page Guru, Bush is the guy you endorsed for president twice. The guy is a complete idiot. You said as much in your 2004 endorsement yet still picked him over Kerry. I’m going to read your endorsement this time and simply ignore the last paragraph. You had it right until you made the actual pick. Go figure. And please do re-post that endorse for all to read.
Reagan has been given far too much credit for the fall of the Soviet Union.
My theory: it was the proliferation of cable/satellite television that exposed the Russians to what was going on in the Western World that they to question what exactly the great thing about Communism was. When the comrades started saying “I want my MTV!” the rest was history.
I won’t be surprised to see a similar impact on China in the next decade. How are you going to keep them down on the farm after they’ve seen American Idol?
Gee, Joel, if the Russians say they didn’t rob the IMF on Clinton’s watch, that’s good enough for you Clintonoids… but not for normal Americans.
The fact is that the IMF was robbed by almost 1,000,000 small wire transfers over the weekend through the Bank of New York, and they all went to banks in Russia.
Republic Bank handles about 90% of the overseas wire transfers for the US, and they caught it, alerted the Secret Service and BNY, and pulled the plug.
I was working in NY at the time. I developed a hedge fund automatic trading system which used 100 live wire feeds, and we were all in the loop about the crime.
Gore and Chernomyrdin were tight friends, and Gore’s father worked for Occidental Petroleum as a trader for Armand Hammer with the Soviet Union after he lost his US Senate seat. Most of the Gore money comes from his Occidental Petroleum stock.
I would say that bud is forgetting what the alternative was in 2004, which was THE point of the reluctant endorsement, but then we’re left with the fact that the reason why we couldn’t possibly endorse Sen. Kerry is seen by bud as an argument in Kerry’s FAVOR, even THE argument in his eyes — never mind all the negative stuff we said about Bush.
This, of course, leads us to an insurmountable impasse.
Kerry was a former stooge for the KGB, who funded his anti-war group. He may not have realized it at first, but that doesn’t speak well of his intelligence or judgement, either.
When Kerry testified (lied) before Congress, he sat beside a KGB agent. If Brad would let me, I would post the photos and names. Maybe I will put them up on a web site with a link.
bud –
If, as you say, Bush is a complete idiot, how did he get reelected and how have initiatives the Dems railed against — like FISA, Iraq war funding supplementals — passed in the face of their opposition? In your view he could not possibly have outsmarted them, no? So how did that happen?
Mike, Bud did not say Bush is a lonely idiot…
Q: If, as you say, Bush is a complete idiot, how did he get reelected
A: (1) GOP Fear-Mongering, (2) Swiftboating of Kerry and, (3) at the time, a phantom improvement in the economy driven by deficit spending.
Kerry “swiftboated” himself. This fellow sailors simply ratted on him.
Kerry’s lying before Congress about Vietnam is even worse, as is his being a stooge for the KGB, who funded his anti-war group.