$50 million for parks

Fifty million. That’s what Richland County Council has decided to hand to the county’s biggest SPD to build and revamp parks.

This from a county that hasn’t figured out how to fund buses past October.

What else is there to say?

7 thoughts on “$50 million for parks

  1. bud

    If they have $50 million why not invest that in the bus system? Seems like we have plenty of parks already.
    So we have $12 million for Township (a total waste of money) and 50 for parks. That should make a nice down payment on a decent public transportation system.

  2. george32

    why is anyone surpised? parks get lots of use from middle and upper class families; buses not so much. until individual employers come forward and say i need the bus system because x percentage of my employees use it every day or i have trouble getting and keeping employees because they cannot afford private transportation then the bus service will not receive anything other than nice verbal support. parks get that too,
    but there is a lot higher usage by voting taxpayers so they will also get money.

  3. faust

    I don’t know. Fifty million for parks seems to me to fall right in line with other Richland County priorities like new landscaping requrements and land use doctrines that essentially mean an end to private property rights as we’ve long known them. New and better parks that no one but county council wants seem of a piece with all the other draconian and really communist dance steps these bright lights have taken.
    One thing I know for sure: Even though it is tax money, the ones who get to spend it have all the power, and those in power get to set priorities. The bus system isn’t being improved because they don’t care about the system or people who need it, no matter what they may say. Parks are being spent on because they are exactly what these people care about.
    I would even go as far as to assign evil motives to these county council jokers – they probably consider people who need public transportation as unworthy, unsightly “little people” that are more in the way and problems to be dealt with than anything else.
    Richland County is basically a miniature communist country run by a central party or junta.
    My 2 cents.

  4. slugger

    Why are you complaining about the money it will cost for the parks out of your tax money? All those different people need a place to meet and smoke a joint etc.

  5. Lee Muller

    With interest, the parks will actually cost about $100,000,000.
    The budget proposal started at $25,000,000.
    Just think how much further tax money would go if we only had good management, that paid cash for only what was necessary to the public health and safety.


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