Karen Floyd is now following me on Twitter!

No, it’s not that I’m that excited about it, but that’s how those notices come in — with exclamation points and everything:

Karen Floyd is now following you on Twitter!

Anyway, Karen brings me to 388 followers — which means I have almost as many as Steve Benjamin. I learned this morning over coffee with Steve (more about that later) that he has almost 4,000 friends on Facebook, but is lagging back with us non-candidate types on Twitter.

Laurin, you need to get busy on that!

For my part, I still need to figure out a way to make some dough from Twitter — or Facebook, or the blog. Why think of it, if I had a dollar a week for every follower on Twitter … well, I’d have a pretty strong motivation to jack that up to about 2,000, wouldn’t I?

By the way, Karen’s latest Tweet is as follows:

South Carolinians on Medicare know that gov’t intrusion will do more harm than good http://tiny.cc/VRKpr

What kind of sense does that make? South Carolinians on Medicare fear government intrusion into their government program? Hello!?!? Is anybody home?

3 thoughts on “Karen Floyd is now following me on Twitter!

  1. orphan annie

    She’s stating the problem. Republicans obviously do not understand what was formerly America’s best insurance was run by the government.
    In case Ms. Floyd has missed it, Medicare is not what is used to be.
    I have Medicare and pay for all of my medical care out of pocket, thank you.
    I have the receipts to prove it.


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