Mayor Bob wants you to know Columbia’s in the black

Mayor Bob sent this note over the weekend, inspired by Adam Beam’s story noting that the city has turned its finances around, saving its bond rating, and as a result will suspend its search for a city manager and stick with interim Steve Gantt for at least a year.

Here’s what Mayor Bob had to add to that:

I am attaching an article from The State about the City’s budget surplus. Steve
Gantt, staff and City Council have worked together to get the budget in line. Some
key points on the City’s General Fund:

1. The current budget is projected to have about a $6 million surplus-$4 million

2. Columbia’s accounting systems and books are in order. We have hired a new team in
Accounting and Treasury. Financial statements are current and are online. Our 2008
Audit is complete and the 2009 Audit will be on time.

3. As of 10-31-09 the City had $18 million in reserves and Bill Ellen expects $20-22
million by end of the budget year.

The City’s Water and Sewer Fund is in great shape. We will issue a total of nearly
$200 million in bonds for water and sewer projects.

We have taken steps to insure that the City’s books are never out of order again.
The City has hired an internal auditing firm and created an Audit Committee. The
City has adopted an Investment Policy.


Of course, it would be fine with me if they never hire another city manager. Columbia needs to ditch this form of government and hold the mayor accountable for the executive functions of city government. The fiscal ditch that the city’s been in for several years is attributable to the fact that there is no one voters can hold accountable now.

5 thoughts on “Mayor Bob wants you to know Columbia’s in the black

  1. bud

    Reading Brad’s solution to anything related to state or local government is like listening to one of those old vinyl records with a big scratch in it that keeps repeating the same passage:

    restructure – bump –
    restructure – bump –
    restructure – bump

    and on and on. I’m puzzled at just how restructuring city government will ever make things better as long as the voters continue to elect poor leaders. If Mayor Bob would have been more assertive maybe all the problems with the city wouldn’t have come to pass. Likewise with state government, if the voters had chosen a better governor perhaps we wouldn’t be suffering with 12.3% unemployment. So how exactly will giving more power to sorry leaders cure problems that seem to result from the poor leaders in the first place? Please don’t use the word “accountability”. That’s bogus so long as the voters don’t appreciate the problem.

  2. William Hamilton

    The Town of Mt. Pleasant is in the black too. They just keep hacking at the budget and raising fees. The tax rate hasn’t been increased in 16 years. Nobody is raising any hell about it. Not having a tax increase has been the only thing that matters. However they’re out of money for the upcoming road projects, so we’ll see what they do.

  3. Karen McLeod

    You have a point, Bud. Given the people this state elects it might be best to divest all elected personnel of any power any of them might have. After all, Gov. Sanford may not have much power, but Sen. McConnell (to name one person) has plenty. I’m not sure that its helpful.

  4. Kathryn Fenner

    Steve Gantt is proof that a great city manager is every bit as good as a strong mayor. Why fix what is no longer broken? We can elect lousy mayors just as easily as we can elect lousy governors around here….and making the mayor a strong one might just attract the kind of folk who heretofore have tended to run for the more powerful jobs, like governor, etc. Is this a good thing?

    I like having 4 City Councillors who represent me–Belinda, Tameika, Daniel and Bob. It is really a benefit for those whose City Council district person appears to have no one’s interests at heart but his own gargantuan over-weaning ones [hint hint].

  5. Kathryn Fenner

    and I read today that Steve Gantt is not interested in retiring after his one year extension, so City Council people, listen up! Steve Gantt is making you look good. Keep him on as long as he’s willing to work!!!


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