Busy day: From midlands mayors to Nelsen, with the Navy in between


Brent Nelson, Furman poli sci prof and candidate for state superintendent of education.

And when I say Nelsen and the Navy, I don’t mean Nelson’s Navy — although I did find myself talking about the Napoleonic Wars at one point.

This was another one of those days that was rich in material to blog about… with no time to blog. Which is the way the world seems to work. I’ll try to catch up and post fully on some of these things later.

  • The day started at a 7:30 a.m. breakfast hosted by the Columbia Regional Business Report. Midlands mayors Bob Coble, Elise Partin and Randy Halfacre were the speakers. Fortunately, my old shipmate Mike Fitts wrote about that at that journal’s site, so you can read about it there.
  • Then, hungry as a Hobbit after fasting on Ash Wednesday, I dropped by the Cap City Club for second breakfast, right before they stopped serving. Hey, I pay for it by the month; might as well get my money’s worth, eh?
  • Then I went to ADCO and, among other things, worked on my remarks for my noon speaking engagement.
  • Then at noon, I went to the Summit Club to speak to the Naval Academy alumni association. They wanted me to talk about what’s happening to the newspaper industry. Folks often want me to talk about that, which is good because it’s something I know a lot about. My preparation was mainly to come up with some nautical stuff for my intro; I don’t want to come across as a mere landsman. But as usual, I kept it short so we could spend most of the time on questions and answers. I’m always more comfortable answering questions than speaking from prepared remarks. (By the way, I ran into Gordon Hirsch’s Mom there. I told her to tell him we miss him on the blog.) This, by the way, was the part of the day when I actually did talk about Nelson’s Navy, if only briefly. I’ll explain later how I worked that into a talk about the newspaper industry.
  • Then, I went over to ADCO and started to do some actual work, but then at 3:55 I had to split to go to Starbucks…
  • … where I met with Brent Nelsen (pictured above), the Furman professor who is running for the GOP nomination for superintendent of education. We had a good talk, which I will right about when I’m not too tired to do the subject justice. We spent a good bit of time talking about school choice, with me trying to make sure I understood where he stood. But we also had a nice, long digression talking about Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and the vagaries of E.U. politics. Dr. Nelsen is a political scientist, and his specialty is European politics. I don’t often get to discuss such things with people who run for political office in SC, so that was nice.
  • Then I went back to ADCO and did some more actual work.
  • Then I came home to play with the twins, who are spending the night with us tonight. Which is wonderful.

I’ll try to do some blogging tomorrow.

Mayors Bob Coble of Columbia, Elise Partin of Cayce and Randy Halfacre of Lexington.

Mayors Bob Coble of Columbia, Elise Partin of Cayce and Randy Halfacre of Lexington.

4 thoughts on “Busy day: From midlands mayors to Nelsen, with the Navy in between

  1. Nick Nielsen

    Sounds like a full day, Brad. Also sounds like you enjoyed it.

    I’m looking forward to your post on Brent Nelson, even if all you can do is “right” about it. đŸ˜‰

  2. Kathryn Fenner

    Gee, Brad. You welfare louts need to just get to work and stop lying around, whining about how the gummint is supposed to take care of you….[slap] Omigod, I was possessed by a demon! The devil made me type it….

    No one can accuse you of slacking off, for sure!

  3. Doug Ross

    Yes, Kathryn, pretty much everyone on welfare spends their days like Brad does. Clubs, speaking engagements, Starbucks, hobnobbing with politicians… All they’re waiting for is the big break to get them off welfare.


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