Video: Henry McMaster’s headquarters opening

This evening I dropped by Henry McMaster’s headquarters opening on Gervais Street in Columbia (and ironically, heard an interview with Ricky Gervais on the radio on my way home).

There was a pretty good crowd milling about in the suite of offices that his campaign occupies. I saw Rusty DePass and Carl Roberts and Crawford Clarkson, and those were just the ones who are in Rotary with Henry and me. There were also Richard Quinn and Bob Liming and Travis Medlock and, well, I didn’t have a pen on me so I didn’t write all the names down, but there was a bunch of people there.

Enjoy the video. Sorry I didn’t have my good camera with me, but for phone video, it’s not bad.

4 thoughts on “Video: Henry McMaster’s headquarters opening

  1. Doug Ross

    Ah, the mantra of the Republicans – lower taxes! Still waiting after 20 years to see that happen. Anyone who runs on a platform of lower taxes should sign a contract agreeing to resign if he does not cut at least one of: income, sales, or property taxes without raising any others.
    The fact that people actually believe this b.s. is why South Carolina is where its at.

    But I do agree with Mr. McMaster – the technical colleges are a jewel. My daughter is attending one and it is by far the best value for the education dollar this state provides. Our experience has been fantastic – great teachers teaching useful skills to create productive members of the workforce.

    Now, with a son graduating from USC, I also see the other side which is an institution of higher profitability. USC gives you the great dog-and-pony show on orientation day but then they pull the old bait-and-switch the further along you get.

    Need a question answered from the career center? Oh, sorry, your resume is not in the official USC format. Need to take some classes to finish your degree in four years? Oh, we’re sorry, we only offer those classes in the summer which costs you and extra $1200 each. It’s been an ongoing cycle of bureaucracy and nickel and diming.

  2. Kathryn Fenner

    Doug– I’m puzzled about the extra $$ for summer classes. I have been taking classes at USC lately, and the sticker price for all 3 hour classes is about $1200. (I paid $1,000 for a whole year of up to 40+ hours 30 years ago, and inflation has hardly been that drastic, but…)

    It certainly isn’t that they’ve been paying faculty a whole lot more…

    I hear you on the format crap. Simply trying to sign up for classes was such an ordeal. I wasn’t even trying to matriculate. VIP (the computer system interface) made me feel like I should just pack it in and move to the old folks home. I ultimately had to go over to Petigru because the system insisted I had a Blackboard account (whatever–some older computer interface) as a former student—even though in my day, only hard core computer science major used the computers, hauling around thick stacks of punch cards…I also had to go to the Coliseum to pay my tuition and fees–just like in 1980, or pay some exorbitant convenience charge.


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