Virtual Front Page, Monday, April 5, 2010

Here are the top stories at this time:

  1. U.S. Consulate in Pakistan Is Attacked by Militants — Six people were killed outside the consulate and at least 20 were wounded at the consulate in Peshawar.
  2. China Rescues Dozens From Mine — Amazingly, 115 miners trapped in a flooded mine for a week survived.
  3. Sanford Pays Ethics Fine — The biggest in state history, in point of fact.
  4. Home Sales Boost Stocks — As the WSJ reports, “The Dow Jones Industrial Average moved closer to 11000 as recent reports on jobs, housing and the services sector boosted enthusiasm about the economic recovery.”
  5. Strong Quake Aftershocks Hit California, Mexico — The quake that rocked Southern Cal and Baja ranked 7.2 on the scale.
  6. Return of Tiger Woods — Boy, am I reluctant to put this on my front. But three factors cause me to do so: 1) everybody but me went ape over this, so I’m bowing to the fact that there’s high interest; 2) It’s a big-enough deal to make the BBC Web front; and 3) It’s happening in our backyard.

5 thoughts on “Virtual Front Page, Monday, April 5, 2010

  1. Matt Warthen

    “It’s the largest single find that has ever been levied against anyone by the commission.”

    I guess they’re doing just FIND over there without their editors.


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