Leighton Lord picks up support

Just had lunch with Leighton Lord, who I hear (according to unpublished polls) is leading the GOP race for attorney general. As we were eating at the Palmetto Club, the news broke that Andy Brack’s Statehouse Report was endorsing him:

In the race for state attorney general, Columbia lawyer Leighton Lord stands out for his vital

management experience. The lead lawyer for bringing Boeing’s billion-dollar investment into the state, he has run a major law firm and knows how to oversee the needs of a multimillion dollar operation like the attorney general’s office.

Lord’s opponents tout their experience in the courtroom, but it’s rare for the state’s chief prosecutor to get before a judge or jury often.  The attorney general’s role is, rather, to pull together the disparate roles of police, prosecutors and other legal entities as a team to fight crime and improve safety. Lord has the pragmatic credentials to get things done and make our state safer without simply locking up more prisoners and throwing away the keys.

That took some of the Republicans at the gathering aback somewhat (Andy Brack? Isn’t he a Democrat?), but Lord was pleased to get the boost.

The gathering was a lot like a Columbia Rotary Club meeting: Gayle Averyt was the host, and was joined by Laine Ligon, Jimmy Derrick, Crawford Clarkson, Martin Moore, John Denise, John Durst, among others. I was there as the guest of ADCO’s Lanier Jones, who had been invited by Gayle.

Now that I’m back at my laptop and can see the item, I see that Andy’s also endorsed Frank Holleman and Brent Nelsen for superintendent of education, and Converse Chellis for treasurer.

2 thoughts on “Leighton Lord picks up support

  1. Kathryn Fenner

    I wish I could vote for the best person running, regardless of party, in the primaries, b/c I’d vote for Leighton, too. I worked for him, and he’s a great guy, as well as a brilliant lawyer and top notch manager.


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