Snippy Mom sounds like a real pill

In response to the post about the overprotective headmistress, a reader on the West Coast shares this:

You’d be surprised at how many parents opt their kids out of the yearbook altogether. Like, 25 percent of our student body! Part of it’s because the release form parents sign is a bit sloppy – it lumps yearbook in with online use, and everyone knows that a child’s soul can be stolen if his picture is posted online. But part of it’s definitely a sign of the times. People are sooooooooo paranoid. I was admonished this summer for taking pictures at my oldest son’s birthday party, which was at a pool on post. Snippy mom informed me that her son, who was playing with the birthday partiers, wasn’t “allowed” to be photographed. He must have been in witness protection or something. I told snippy mom that I planned to continue to take pictures of my kids and their friends. Snippy mom left not long after that.

These parents today! Whaddayagonnado?

4 thoughts on “Snippy Mom sounds like a real pill

  1. Brad

    With my parents, it was the 8mm movie camera. Lots and lots of rolls of me as a little kid, almost none of my little brother. He’s kind of sensitive about it. So of course I mention it as often as possible.

  2. Kathryn Fenner

    I guess I sense that “snippy mom” has lot of anxiety, which may even be justified–who knows? I guess I wouldn’t make fun of her. Whatever her story, it’s sad.

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