St. Patrick’s Day in Five Points

Whoa, I am a redneck now — except for that stripe where the green beads were. The stripe is green. Who’da thunk that beads handed out for free on the street would be of such low quality? Anyway, a good time was had. Here’s your guide to the pics:

  1. The mayor and council members led it off.
  2. Joe Wilson hollered at me that we need to have one of these over in West Columbia.
  3. The Twins practice their beauty-queen waves in their very first parade, along with the Greater Columbia Area Mothers of Twins Club.
  4. Our own Kathryn Fenner with her Weimeraner and friend. As she was posing, I’m saying “Watch out for the Joker in the Jeep!”
  5. The guy on the left gets the prize for most leprechaun-like, far as I’m concerned. But a bit tall.
  6. Jack Van Loan, the godfather of it all, at his headquarters table at the Gourmet Shop. Things were going great, but Jack was worrying himself half to death. He’d been there since 3 a.m., would be there until 9, he said.
  7. Enjoyed introducing J to Debbie McDaniel, of Revente and Sid & Nancy fame.
  8. James D. McCallister (in the straw cowboy hat) was doing a booming business out in front of Loose Lucy’s. J, who had worn a WAY-too-hot sweater, bought one of his T-shirts to wear instead (that’s it in the picture with Debbie; note the Grateful Dead motif). I hadn’t seen Don on the blog lately, told him he should come back to visit with us.
  9. That’s Frank Fusco, the retired former head of the Budget and Control Board, playing his ax with Main Street Connection. His successor may be enjoying writing letters to the editor, but I think Frank’s having more fun.
  10. The only green I had showing (aside from the cheap beads) was the small letters saying “St. Pat’s in Five Points” on the black T-shirt I bought at the legendary 2007 fest. But I did have on my special boxers. I didn’t realize they were showing, though, until I started getting compliments. So I pulled them up a bit higher…
  11. The crowd approaching its peak.
  12. Had to get my picture with State House reporter John O’Connor, because who was I going to get next to who sounded more Irish than that?

It just occurred to me that while I mentioned several other friends’ businesses, there are no pictures from the premises of my loyal advertiser Yesterday’s, even though THAT’S where I spent the most time during the event. That was my HQ, as usual. I just didn’t take many pictures there…

10 thoughts on “St. Patrick’s Day in Five Points

  1. Kathryn Fenner (D- SC)

    First photo, second row, that’s me and my Weimaraner Lucy Gray (Ydoc’s Softail Deuce, if you want to get all technical) and her little brother Ch. Ydoc’s Cody Backwards, a/k/a BRAD!!! Brad’s owner didn’t want to get in the photo, more’s the pity as she is adorbs!

  2. Steven Davis

    Pull up your pants, damn it’s bad enough having to see underwear of 20 year olds, much less someone their parents age.

  3. Doug Ross


    I’ve held the opinion for quite awhile that if we adult males wore OUR pants way down on our hips for a month or two, you’d see the teenagers do the opposite fairly soon. Brad’s just a trend setter for the AARP set.

  4. Ralph Hightower

    I want that Mustang! I drove a 66 Mustang in high school in the late 60’s.

    @Brad: Your grandkids are cute!

    @Kathryn: Your dogs are bigger than my dogs:
    But I think ours have more personality and more cuteness. But then I’m prejudiced.

    That mass of people in Five Points … That looks like a bigger concentration of people than Black Friday. I’ll take a smaller venue to try Guiness.

    But I hope the Five Points St. Pattys Day was successful for the merchants, Five Points, and Columbia.


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