Drat! Foiled again! Curse you, Snidely Obama!

I was WAY busy last night with real-life stuff until about 1:30 a.m. (just wait until YOU have five kids and four grandchildren and everybody’s coming and going and having to be picked up at the airport in the middle of the night), and barely found time to watch some of that presidential debate. I didn’t even have time to think about Nikki Haley’s national TV appearance. Good thing, too.

I did glance at the coverage of it on CBS, and even managed to read on a bit after the horrible shock of the opening words:

Four of the biggest names in the Republican Party – Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Rep. Allen West of Florida, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahom…a

Really. “Biggest names.” Take THAT, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush… I could go on, but what does it matter? They’re nobodies! The peanut gallery is taking over!

It is just absolutely stunning how little one has to accomplish to be one of the “biggest” these days. In fact, in the GOP, accomplishing anything actually counts against you. Look at Romney and health care.

Of course, Nikki Haley is about as accomplishment-free as anyone can get, and by the new standards, that makes her golden. Of course, she likes us to think that she wants to accomplish stuff, but that uncontrollable forces prevent her.

What, you ask, has kept our gov free of the blemish of achievement? Could it be that she lacks good ideas? Could it be that she is clueless when it comes to working with other people who would have to be involved in making these things happen, such as the Republican leadership of the General Assembly? Could it be because of her inept, ham-handed approach to everything from USC trustee appointments to her own tax returns?

No, it’s none of that. There’s another villain, one that no rational person would have suspected in a million years:

Haley went on to say that “everything I’ve tried to do to govern in South Carolina has been stopped by President Obama,”…

Yep, it’s her favorite Snidely Whiplash, the guy she ran so hard against in her election last year (Vincent Sheheen? Who’s he?). He is still foiling her beautiful plans! Curses!

14 thoughts on “Drat! Foiled again! Curse you, Snidely Obama!

  1. Kathryn Fenner (D- SC)

    I knew it–Obama was behind the SC Supreme Court decision that she couldn’t boss around the legislature…sneaky bugger, eh?

  2. bud

    She didn’t really say that did she? Was there some strange context that would make that a sensible statement? Did she offer some explanation for that bizarre comment? Wow. After watching the first 30 minutes or so of the debate I thought I’d heard everything. Apparently not.

  3. Brad

    Hmmm… sort of got my analogy backwards. It’s the Snidely Whiplash-type character that says “Curses! Foiled again”…

    His adversary would be Dudley Doright or whatever. But of course, Nikki doesn’t think of Obama as Dudley Doright, so…

    Well, y’all understood what I meant. Right?

  4. Brad

    As for the context, Bud, according to the CBS website, she was “pointing to the federal health care law, immigration policy and a National Labor Relations Board dispute involving Boeing.”

    She’s right that the state has a beef with the NLRB (the other two points are nonsense). But what does that have to do with her and what she’s done and tried to do? She didn’t bring Boeing here…

  5. Kathryn Fenner (D- SC)

    Steven–You are such a linguistic fashionista! You could be on a TLC show called, “What Not to Say!”

  6. Scout

    Gee, I say ‘drat’ all the time and I wasn’t even born in 1962. But I’m not exactly a paragon of fashionable language either, I reckon.

  7. Kathy

    “Of course, Nikki Haley is about as accomplishment-free as anyone can get. . .” Good one, but only because it’s true.

    Scout, fashionable southern language definitely includes “I reckon.”

  8. Steve Gordy

    Actually, one of my favorites is the dying lament of the Wicked Witch of the West, “What a world, what a world . . .”

  9. Scout

    This is off topic, except it’s about Haley. I gather that the democrats have a restructuring plan that involves completely doing a way with the B&CB, and Haley has a different restructuring plan that involves a weakened B&CB. Does anybody know or have an opinion about the differences or pros/cons of each plan?

  10. Kathryn Fenner (D- SC)

    @ scout–I loved James Smith’s comment in today’s paper that the Republican plan “grows government”–

    check out Cindi Scoppe’s editorial–it goes over some of the issues….


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