I guess all those white Tea Partiers look alike to him.
Minutes ago, he put out this release with the above video:
Democratic Congressman Jim Clyburn appointed to debt-reduction subcommittee.
Five South Carolina Republican Congressmen are not.
Columbia, SC — The South Carolina Democratic Party released the following statement and video about Democratic Congressman Jim Clyburn’s appointment to the debt-reduction supercommittee:“South Carolina can be proud to be represented by Congressman Jim Clyburn. He’s helping pull us back from the financial abyss after the Republican Tea Party Downgrade. Republicans took the economy hostage with their debt ceiling brinksmanship and South Carolina’s five Republicans helped lead the charge. Because of their political stunt, all Americans are seeing a downgrade in their savings and investments. Meanwhile, Democrats like Jim Clyburn are cleaning up their mess.”
There’s one problem: The pictures of Jeff Duncan and Trey Gowdy are reversed in the video.
For future reference, below you see Gowdy with Judge Joe Anderson after the former spoke to the Columbia Rotary Club on Monday…
What Harpootlian isn’t smart enough to see or is purposely failing to recognize is that the reason Clyburn is on the committee is because he’s Pelosi’s and Obama’s whipping boy. He’ll listen to them and do as they say just to keep them happy. After all they were nice enough to create a leadership position just for him.
By the way, before the week’s out, I plan to write something about Gowdy’s speech, with supporting materials. I got his Powerpoint yesterday.
Sorry I haven’t gotten to it yet…
Look at that stubble! And his artfully mussed hair is awfully Hugh Grant…sumpin’s up there!
Actually, I think he’s going for the look of David Hemmings in “Blow-Up.” There’s even a slight resemblance.
What an awful piece of work that ad is. The fact that people go to college and get a degree to work on crap like that is pretty sad. And that someone might get PAID to do it is proof that our economy is perfectly fine. Awful music, idiotic references to the Three Stooges, and then the textbook “Let’s pick the worst picture we can find of our targets” strategy.
If Jim Clyburn is the savior of the economy, I’d suggest we all start stocking up on perishables. That guy is only good at doing one thing: Putting his name on worthless government projects.
Here’s a good billboard the Republicans can put up right next to the pedestrian bridge on 277:
“From the party that gave you Alvin Greene, we now present the “Honorable” James Clyburn”
“This video has been removed by the user.” What happened? Perhaps it is removed from You Tube as I can’t seem to find it.
Amanda over at Democratic HQ just sent me the new link. They fixed the video… that is, the part about Gowdy and Duncan being switched.
Bob, use the new link.
What is “Honorable” about Clyburn?
Did Gowdy explain why he ran against former friend Bob Inglis, and what he wants to do differently than Inglis?
If Harpootlian had been head of the SC Democrats instead of Carol Fowler, we probably wouldn’t have SC Guv’not Nikki Haley!
The use of the Three Stooges is classic, however, I am bipartisan in giving the blame for the DC screwups to Republicans and Democrats. They share equal blame.