Impressions from the Reagan Library debate

I keep going back and forth between live-blogging, and recording my impressions on Twitter, during live TV debates and speeches.

Last night, I went with Twitter. Here are some of the thoughts I had, mixed in with some thoughts from others that were in response to me, or which I reTweeted (the responses are distinguished by the avatars):

Brad Warthen

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Needless to say, Michele Bachmann isn’t aiming for the Energy Party vote, with all that “cut energy prices” stuff.

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Why is Paul going after Perry? It’s not like Paul has a chance to win. Why not use opportunity to push his own ideas instead?

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Romney running hard tonight for the “not crazy” vote.

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Will they EVER let Huntsman speak?

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Hey! Huntsman got to say something!

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Poor Perry — having to get defensive about the sensible things he’s done. This is not where he wants to be. #ReaganDebate

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: If Republicans cared at ALL about beating Obama next year, they’d stage a debate between Romney and Huntsman, and leave out the rest.

Nu Wexler

@wexler Nu Wexler: North Carolina should blame education issues on sharing a border with South Carolina. #reagandebate

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: @wexler I confess I’ve gone up there MANY times — without papers, amigos!

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Bachmann keeps talking about what “the American people” have confided to her… I haven’t been talking to her. You?

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Huntsman — on immigration this time — is edging out Romney for the “not crazy” vote (if there’s any justice in this world).

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Whoa: Ron Paul started trying to out-sane Huntsman on immigration. But then he reverted to form with that “fence to keep us in” stuff.

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Check it out: Huntsman is the ONLY one with the cojones to say no pledges, no way. My hat off to you, sir.

SCHotline Editor

@SCHotline SCHotline Editor: @BradWarthen yeah your kind of guy, why dont the two of you move to effing China?

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: I agree with Perry on the good things he said about Obama. Something you won’t hear Democrats do…

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: @SCHotline He already did. He went there and served his country.

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Whoa. Bachmann just dissed our successful involvement in Libya…

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Santorum just called Reagan the “Wicked Witch of the West!”

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Which is saying something, given the lowness of the bar… “@adamsbaldwin: Stupidest question EVER!!!”

Mary Pat Baldauf

@mpbaldaufMary Pat Baldauf: @bradwarthen Thank you! Do you like Hunstman? Lee Bandy and I do – saw him at the gym after work, and we talked pre-debate trash.

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: @mpbaldauf You saw Huntsman at the gym?

Adam Baldwin

adamsbaldwin Adam Baldwin: Newt for Sec. of ???

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: @adamsbaldwin Energy, maybe. He might do something bold…

Mary Pat Baldauf

mpbaldauf Mary Pat Baldauf: Applause for Texas holding more executions than any other state? Really? Switching channels on that one.

BradWarthen Brad Warthen: Yeah. Suddenly I felt like I was in the Roman Colosseum. “@pwire: Applause for executions?”

Gary Karr

garykarr Gary Karr: I’ve seen an execution. I don’t think I’d applaud one, even if it was the killer of a loved one. #reagandebate

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