What did you think of the DeMint event Monday?

I’m talking about the thing with most of the GOP presidential candidates here. You know, the come-and-kiss-DeMint’s-ring thing.

I was out of town Monday, and haven’t had time to watch it online. In fact, I haven’t seen the whole thing online anywhere, but here are some pieces.

Anyway, I’ve had a couple of interesting conversations today with people who were there, and that’s about it. Their comments were positive, by the way, and they would probably not agree that it was a DeMint-as-kingmaker thing, even though it was his show and he summoned them each to stand alone without a lectern before him, like prisoners before a judge. And they may be right, because I wasn’t there.


6 thoughts on “What did you think of the DeMint event Monday?

  1. `Kathryn Fenner

    What does Rick Perry’s departure from it, to tend to wildfires back home mean to the Kingmaker DeMint? Could anyone “win” with the front-runner absent?

  2. Doug T

    Watched just to see Rick Perry because I’ve seen the others many times. Oh well.

    I admire Ron Paul. He does not pander. When he mentioned entitlements the audience (white people)smirked. But when Paul told them the biggest abuser of entitlements were big corporations, the audience (white people) started to squirm.

    Biggest loser: David Stanton. He looked out of place.

  3. Brad

    I’ll bet he did, since he was supposed to be the moderator but it was DeMint’s show. I can’t wait to see a full video and see how in the world that worked.

    David would be accustomed to approaching this a non-judgmental, inform-the-public kind of thing. That’s David. But this was about candidates, one at a time, being tested by a particular wing of their party. Odd place for a guy like David.

    But these days, guys like David and I take the gigs we can get, to some extent.

  4. bud

    I fail to see how an event such as this can provide any useful information to the voters. I didn’t nor would not watch such a thing but it sounds really creepy.

  5. Mark Stewart

    Sarah DeMint, meet Jim Palin.

    Combined we would have a whole nut to enjoy.

    But seriously, DeMint is just a one trick pony; does he do anything other than engage in bald-faced power plays? Some of the other candidates should have declined the invitation in a slightly more direct manner than Perry – who still made his point even as he hid behind the smokescreen.

  6. niat holder

    When will we recognize a home grown Terrorist when we see one? If it talks like one, walks like one ….it is one. Don’t be fooled by the bible thumping, Liberty hat and flag drapped Superman cape (probably to cover for his PAC cash stuffed pockets).But no,he has to insinuate is commies, homos and brown men that hate us and our freedoms.http://politicalcorrection.org/blog/201107050010 Wake up!

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