‘Dear Patriot:’ Santorum moves to capitalize on his surge in the polls

Earlier today, I got this email from the Santorum campaign:

Dear Patriot,

This is where we wanted to be. We have planned and strategized in preparation for this very moment. We have demonstrated that we can unite Conservatives and win states- even states that Mitt Romney won four years ago.

Now, according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, I am LEADING Mitt Romney nationwide by a double digit margin.

Here are the results:

  • Santorum 38%
  • Romney: 23%
  • Gingrich 17%
  • Paul 13%

We know this race has seesawed back and forth so we don’t expect for a moment that Romney and his allies in the liberal media are going to let us stay there.

But this does confirm what we already knew: we are picking up momentum and are in the right place to take advantage of it. We have a strategy that has produced victories and can win us the Republican nomination. And we need to keep it going.

Will you help us?

This poll comes on the heels of three huge wins last week in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri. Conservatives across the country are coming together and uniting behind this campaign.

Everything is going our direction for the moment, but that’s the very reason we can’t let up–the Romney campaign is starting to get desperate. Governor Romney does not have a consistent record of conservatism that he can run on. Because of that, he can’t talk about his story and will instead spend tens of millions of dollars in negative, dishonest, personal attacks on my record and my character.

I saw what Mitt Romney did to Newt Gingrich after he lost South Carolina. Romney is right now making plans to do the same thing to me in Michigan–carpet bomb the state with dishonest ads.  We need to be ready so we can fight back!

That’s not going to be good enough to defeat President Obama. The GOP standard bearer must convey a clear vision of Reagan Conservatism to the American people if we are going to win this election. Running an inauthentic, Massachusetts moderate is not going to fire up conservatives, and it’s not going to appeal to independents. We can’t do it if we’re going to defeat President Obama.

Every four years, people say, “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” I think that’s true this year, but I’ll go even farther than that: this is the most important election in American history.

President Obama’s vision for this country is to fundamentally change us from a free market, capitalist system to a Republic in the mold of the faded, decrepit Republics of Western Europe. We simply cannot allow four more years of this.

We are winning elections and the polls are all trending our way. I am going to win the Republican Nomination for President and defeat Barack Obama. But it’s not going to happen without your help, right now. Not tomorrow, not next week. Right now.

Let’s get it done!

For America,

Rick Santorum
Conservative Republican for President

8 thoughts on “‘Dear Patriot:’ Santorum moves to capitalize on his surge in the polls

  1. Phillip

    This phrase about “the faded, decrepit Republics of Western Europe” is lifted verbatim from several Gingrich speeches during the campaign. In fact, you can find it on several right-wing blogs, it’s become a kind of mindless mantra. These right-wingers always blather on about Obama and liberals coddling our enemies and not supporting our allies enough; I’d love to see the first meeting between a President Santorum and some of the leaders of those “faded, decrepit Republics.” You know, the ones that have lower unemployment, better health care at lower cost, less income inequality and more socio-economic mobility than the US.

  2. Mark Stewart

    I’m glad someone chose not to end the message with “get r’ done!”.

    Santorum is a Reaganish candidate? Hmmm, wow that’s a stretch. This guy is odder than either Mitt or Newt; what a choice the Republican party has this year.

  3. bud

    Nate Silver had a discussion about the implications of the electoral college in this years election and how it could actually be better for a candidate to be behind nationally (in the polls) but ahead in the swing midwestern states (Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa). My most fervant wish this year is for the GOP candidate to win a national majority of the popular vote and lose in the electoral college. The bigger the popular vote win the better. That is always a possibility. Why that possibility should exist is beyond me.

  4. SusanG

    If Romney doesn’t appeal to independents, I’d sure be surprised if Santorum does.

    And “most important election in American history”? Really? What about the 1860 election of Lincoln (among many others)?

    (Side thought: Santorum reminds me more of Douglas than Lincoln — similar in philosophy to Douglas’ local, popular sovereignty approach to the spread of slavery.)

  5. bud

    The last 10 men (miltiples only counted once) to serve as the GOP presidential nominee were:

    Thomas Dewey
    Dwight Eisenhower
    Richard Nixon
    Barry Goldwater
    Gerald Ford
    Ronald Reagan
    George H. W. Bush
    Bob Dole
    George W. Bush
    John McCain

    With the exception of George W. Bush each of these men was an accomplished man of intelligence, political skills, integrity and a well understood governing philosophy. The last 3 men with a chance at the nomination this year (Ron Paul isn’t going to win) are an incredibly unlikable bunch who exhibit little in the way of presidential accumen. It’s hard to imagine a sorrier bunch this late in the process. Given the way George W. Bush turned out as president isn’t it important to learn a few lessons from history? Anyone with such limited accomplishment should not be elected president.

  6. `Kathryn Fenner

    [like] what Phillip said.

    Germany is a great place to live and a healthier economy than ours.

  7. bud

    I too am a big fan of the Europeans for having effective healthcare and a foreward looking attitude about energy. But given the dangerous economic situation of the European Union we shouldn’t be too eager to hold them up as the best way forward.

  8. `Kathryn Fenner

    Germany’s economy is vastly stronger than ours, even with the bailouts. If northern Europe had not yoked itself with the profligate southerners, it’d be sitting even prettier.

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