And those grapes were probably sour anyway…

Dick Harpootlian is making the best of the fact that his preferred candidate lost the primary that he had fought and clawed to get him into, issuing the following statement last night:

I would like to congratulate Dr. Gloria Tinubu on winning the Democratic run-off election and becoming our nominee for the 7th Congressional District.  She ran a great campaign.  If Republican’s worked half as hard as Dr. Tinubu, state government wouldn’t be on the verge of a shutdown this week. The Republican runoff was a race between Nikki Haley and Andre Bauer and either way South Carolina loses.  They spent the last week in the 7th demonstrating the petty, selfish politics voters have come to expect from Republicans. Dr. Tinubu demonstrated the alternative Democrats are offering: determined and hardworking. The Democratic Party looks forward to working with Dr. Tinubu to elect her as our first Congresswoman from the 7th Congressional District this November.

Aw, he didn’t want those grapes he couldn’t reach anyway…

10 thoughts on “And those grapes were probably sour anyway…

  1. Brad

    Some will of course leap to Dick’s defense for lining up loyally behind his nominee.

    To me, it’s less admirable, because I am sick and tired of party people automatically asserting that their nominee is by definition better than the nominee of that OTHER party, without regard to those people’s respective qualities.

    Ms. Tinubu may very well be a better candidate than Mr. Rice. I don’t know, because I’m not familiar enough with either of them. But if she is, it’s not BECAUSE she’s a Democrat, which is Mr. Harpootlian’s dubious criterion.

  2. Doug Ross

    With Jimmy Carter, there was a headline “Mush From The Wimp” that got an editorial writer in trouble long ago.

    Harpootlian’s missives should be headlined with “Venom From The Hack”

  3. bud

    Some will of course leap to Dick’s defense for lining up loyally behind his nominee.

    I’m leaping away as I type. Geez Brad why so snippy about this. Dick may be a partisan but on this particular issue he was 100% correct. ALL the votes should have been counted. And that’s what the court ordered. That was done and now Mr. H is on board. So heck yeah I’ll defend him this time.

    Just for the record it does not NECESSARILY follow that a Democrat is always the better candidate but if you’re playing the odds that will be true about 95% of the time.

  4. Silence

    It’s Mr. Harpootlian’s job to say that his candidate is the best one. I think he’s pretty much contractually obligated to say it, or they’d cut his tenure quite short.
    I do think it’s ridiculous that the party apparatchiks play favorites, rather than just sitting back and supporting the voters’ eventual nominee. It’s like they think that we are too dumb to choose.
    Alvin Greene. Hehehehe

  5. Brad

    And there you have it… If you’ll recall, Carol Fowler caught flak for not keeping Alvin Greene off the ballot, or not taking steps to see that he lost — or something. In any case, the lesson for Dick as her successor was that the party expects its chair to steer the process so that the “right” candidates get nominated, and the “wrong” ones don’t.

  6. Brad

    And if I were a party chair, I would not be able to blindly support whomever a primary picked. My conscience wouldn’t let me support anyone other than the person who, according to my own judgment, was the best candidate.

    Which is but one reason I won’t be picked to head a party.

  7. Bryan Caskey

    “If Republican’s worked half as hard as Dr. Tinubu, state government wouldn’t be on the verge of a shutdown this week.”

    Who’s typo is that with the apostrophe? I cannot imagine that a former newspaperman would have made that one.

  8. bud

    Brad, whether you want to admit it or not you definitely do have a certain set of political issues that you ardently support. If there was a political party that subscribed to your particular philosophical bent I’m sure the party leaders would love to have you on board to head a party. But given your lack of support for a broad range of issues supported by both parties it’s really not a surprise that you find both major parties wanting.

    I could see you as a loyal member of the anti-Libertarian party. Not sure such a thing exists in American politics today. Perhaps the Un-Party could embrace such a platform and you could be it’s first candidate for POTUS.

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