This should make the oppo research a LOT easier

This just in from Billy Keyserling, mayor of Beaufort (and one of my favorite ex-legislators, since he served in Columbia as an independent):

August 17, 2012

Dear Friends:

At 12:30 on Wednesday afternoon, I learned — as the deadline for filing for Mayor passed — that no one will be on the ballot running against me. Gearing up and ready to run, I had a funny feeling.

How am I going to run for re-election if there is no opponent?

You see being mayor is not about Billy Keyserling. Rather, it is about making our “best hometown in the world” even better. It’s about communicating more clearly, as well as listening and learning to work well together toward shared goals. It’s about having the confidence to consider new ideas and opportunities even though we may not fully understand the consequences. It’s about achieving success, admitting when something does not go the way we thought it would, acknowledging so and making it right.

Being mayor is about being accessible to Beaufort residents — those who encounter problems with government plus those who need help how we can build on our history and natural beauty without destroying all we have inherited. In all cases we must continuously be aware that we are merely custodians of the city we love for just a relatively short span within the 300-year timeline of our community.

I had looked forward to campaigning because I learned long ago that elections are the people’s best opportunity to hold you accountable for what you promised, and measure how they think you have done. People generally think more about public life when a local campaign is underway and are more engaged in civic matters.

So even though I have no “official” opponent, between now and election day I am going to campaign anyway in order to be a part of the process of listening, learning and gauging how am I am representing you as Mayor of Beaufort.

In this case I am going to take a page from a successful big city mayor who told the city’s voters when he had no election opponent, “I’ve never been one to sit out an election and, while I am grateful for what some of my friends have said is voter confidence in my public service, I will be engaged and available as if I had a serious opponent.”

I thank the people of Beaufort for the chance to serve another term. You’ll be seeing a lot me at campaign events this fall- whether they be Republican, Democrat or non-partisan.

As Michelangelo said at age 91, “I am still learning.”


Billy Keyserling

Just to be on the safe side, he should get his opponent to sign a pledge to keep the campaign clean and positive. You just never know, these days…

Some of you cynics out there may doubt that this is a real campaign. Oh, yes it is. I refer you to the postscript:

PS: Unfortunately, every campaign needs funding, so I hope you will consider a small donation to help support my initiatives to better communicate with you and the many others in Beaufort about issues facing our community. Last year I invested nearly three times my $6,000 annual salary on newsletters, website, my weekly television show and the many other expenses associated with being Mayor.

I would appreciate what you can to do help defray some of these expenses… You can respond on line by going to and clicking “Support” and using PayPal or by sending a modest check to Billy Keyserling for Mayor, Post Office Box 2145, Beaufort, S.C. 29901-2145.

If you have already responded to my initial solicitationand contributed, please disregard this email as I do not want to be redundant or bothersome or seem like a greedy nag. Sorry if that is the case

Never fear, Billy. Not even your opponent would call you a greedy nag…

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