Benjamin promises to help strong-mayor petition drive

Just received this release from Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin:

Friends — Just a quick note to thank everyone who came out to last night’s City Council meeting.


I want you to know that you should not be discouraged. The fight for a better form of government in Columbia is not over.


Even though four members of City Council refused to let voters have a voice on the kind of government they want, we the people can still empower ourselves through a petition drive.


It will take hard work, collaboration and determination. It will not be easy, it will not be quick, but I believe it can be done. When we work together, united by a common vision and a shared goal, we can overcome great obstacles.


Should the citizens start a grassroots effort to get a Strong Mayor referendum on the ballot, I will be right there in the trenches, fighting for our God-given right to vote.


This is our moment to shine, Columbia!


Yours very truly,


– Steve

Since Lee Bussell, current chair of the local Chamber, said there will be a petition drive, I guess that means the mayor will be helping to promote it.

So will I. When I know more about where and how Columbia voters can sign the petition, I’ll let you know.

3 thoughts on “Benjamin promises to help strong-mayor petition drive

    1. Silence

      Well, the mayor likes to get things done quick – once people figure out what the mayor is up to, it gives the opposition time to mobilize. It’s like Bull Street. If it ain’t quick or easy, it won’t get done.

  1. Silence

    The mayor will have his turnout machine in full swing for the upcoming election. It’s his best shot to get a strong mayor referendum passed, since he’ll have his bajillion voters fully turned out at the polls. That’s why he needs it in this cycle. In two more years, it’ll be too late!


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