Clyburn prepares to slide easily into 12th term

Since his office decided to make a thing of it, I thought I’d share, and give Doug a chance to tee off on his term-limits thing:

James E. Clyburn Files for His 12th Term in the U.S. House of Representatives 

Columbia, SC – On Monday, March 17th, Congressman James E. Clyburn filed for his 12th term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Congressman Clyburn was first elected in 1992 and assumed office in January 1993. He currently serves in leadership as the Assistant Democratic Leader.

“I am honored to seek a 12th term in the U.S. House of Representatives in the South Carolina Sixth District. I have always sought to put principles above politics and service above self. I believe working men and women deserve a raise in the minimum wage, and Congress needs to work towards comprehensive immigration reform, and protecting everyone’s right to vote,” Congressman Jim Clyburn said. “I’m honored to serve the people of South Carolina and the Sixth Congressional District and look forward to continuing my service.

The Primary Election is on June 10, while the General Election will be held on November 4.

Twitter: ClyburnSC06

Actually, the number surprised me for a second, because I so easily remember when he wasn’t in Congress. But yeah, I guess it was the early ’90s…

And of course, since the main purpose of reapportionment in South Carolina is creating safe seats for Republicans, he will hold this seat as long as he likes. Because the way to create several safe Republican seats is to create one super-safe seat for a Democrat, and he has always been the beneficiary of that math.

Anyway, to celebrate the landmark, I thought you might enjoy watching him and Steny Hoyer doing the Electric Slide, at one of his fish fries few years back….

11 thoughts on “Clyburn prepares to slide easily into 12th term

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      He’s just seen as too formidable. For one thing, Democratic donors wouldn’t give to a campaign against a member of the leadership. And on what issue is he vulnerable in his district? I don’t know of any…

      1. Doug Ross

        Anyway, Jim Clyburn represents what you are always seeking, Brad – an experienced legislator. We don’t want inexperienced people in the job because it’s so difficult to do. I’m sure it took Mr. Clyburn a few years before he was able to (allegedly) figure out how to funnel millions of other people’s money through South Carolina State University to people…

        You’ll have his wisdom and expertise representing the fine people of South Carolina for at least another decade or two… as long as he’s breathing, he’ll be there. Best and the brightest!!

      2. Mark Stewart

        He’s not really a member of the House leadership. They kinda had to invent a special position for Clyburn.

        Anyway, someone qualified should run against him. Deference is not a valid reason to thwart democracy.

        1. Doug Ross

          The only way he’s going out is in handcuffs or a casket. Once you’re in, you have the power of collecting donations from lobbyists and dealing out tax dollars to influential people to stay in. You can trade votes on bills for even more influence.

          Imagine if after ten years a Congressman had to step aside and wait one term to run again. Think they could beat the incumbent? At least it would give us a better chance at having a real choice. And that still would mean he could be in office twenty out of twenty two years. Is that really too detrimental to democracy?

          1. Brad Warthen Post author

            Yes, it would be. Think about it. Who could afford to do that? Being a member of Congress in the 21st century is a full-time job. (At least, it is if you hope to stay in office for 10 years.)

            You’d have to go out and find a new job, perhaps even start a new career, after 10 years in Congress. Who would want to hire you for just two years, knowing (or inferring) your plans? What kind of a business could you build on your own in just two years?

            You’d have to be independently wealthy, or have a sugar daddy. The average person with a family to support couldn’t swing that.

          2. Doug Ross

            Ha ha… that’s a good one, Brad.. Why don’t you take a look at the income reporting statements of politicians who have been in office for a decade. Let me know if you find anyone who’s hurting for money.

            Have you ever seen a destitute ex-Congressman? They all turn up somewhere – on TV, on radio, doing lectures, consulting.

            Plus – channeling Juan Caruso – many of them are lawyers. Surely they can find some lawsuits to conjure up, ambulances to chase, old lady’s estates to rob in their spare time (Bryan – I kid, I kid).

            There’s also the lucrative field of going to work for lobbyists or setting up a think tank.

            It’s a pretty poor excuse to dismiss term limits based on the thought that a Congressman might have to find a real job.

          3. Doug Ross

            “The Center for Responsive Politics analyzed the personal financial disclosure data from 2012 of the 534 current members of Congress and found that, for the first time, more than half had an average net worth of $1 million or more: 268 to be exact, up from 257 the year earlier. The median for congressional Democrats was $1.04 million and, for Republicans, $1 million even.”

          4. Barry

            Brad – I hope you were joking.

            Any Congressman or ex Congressman that’s not independently wealthy is either too lazy to get out of bed, or just doesn’t care.

            Any cable news outlet, or a hundred or so lobbying groups in Washington would hire (and does hire) an ex congressman in about 2 seconds.


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