My favorite Tweet today

Quick, somebody tell Trey Gowdy it’s a joke!

3 thoughts on “My favorite Tweet today

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      What happened at Benghazi is not funny.

      The political situation surrounding it since CAN be comical at times.

      For the next few years, assuming Hillary Clinton runs in 2016, we’re going to hear more and more and more about this from Republicans — and none of what we hear will lead to any important new conclusions, or making our embassies and consulates safer. It will be sound and fury, leading to no important results — because the point of it will be to damage her politically, not to lead to resolution.

      And we might as well laugh about it, because there’s no escaping all that Sturm und Drang…

      1. Brad Warthen Post author

        I say that even though the noisiest people on Benghazi are two of my favorite people in Washington — Lindsey Graham and John McCain. At least with them, I know they’re genuinely concerned about national security. But even with them, the obsession with the topic often seems too much, beyond reason…


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