No blog for you! My laptop’s dead…

Here I am at a Barnes and Noble where I came to do a little blogging, and… my laptop won’t turn on. (I’m typing this on my iPad.)

I turned it off fully charged and put it in my bag two days ago, so the battery can’t be dead. And even if it IS, it’s plugged in to the wall. So the battery’s status shouldn’t matter. But it’s cold, and dead. No lights come on. No sound. No response whatsoever.

Allow me to indulge in a bit of British-style understatement: This is distressing.

3 thoughts on “No blog for you! My laptop’s dead…

  1. Brad Warthen

    Now it’s working! But I spent so much time on the phone with HP that I have no time left and have to pack up and go! So still no blogging…

    Maybe later.

    I’m traveling today…

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      Dang… Now I can’t remember what I did to bring it back. In case it happens again.

      I think it had something to do with taking the battery out for several minutes. I had taken it out before and put it back, and it had done no good. But this time, I spent several minutes looking (in vain) in the battery compartment for a number. The HP woman on the phone said maybe that did it, because that time the battery was out for more than 3 minutes. She tried explaining to me why that might have made the difference, but the explanation made little sense to me…

      1. Kathryn Fenner

        Yes, in laptops where you can remove the battery, that is like unplugging a desktop and waiting a bit.
        You can’t remove the battery in my Macbook Air, but then it never stops working, either….;)


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