Go ahead and feel defeated, ‘Nancy.’ Don’t fight it…

Unfortunately, the end of the election has not ended the flow of begging emails from the DCCC.

I had to smile at one today, ostensibly from Nancy Pelosi. An excerpt:

Election Day was tough. We lost the energy of some excellent public servants. In the coming days, I’m sure all the pundits will provide their analysis of what happened.

It would be easy for us to feel defeated. To think “this is too hard, I’m done fighting.” But we can’t do that. We’ve got to stay engaged…

See, there’s a reason it would be easy to feel that way — you were defeated. So don’t fight it. Sit back and absorb that for awhile, and give the clamoring for money a brief rest. Please…

3 thoughts on “Go ahead and feel defeated, ‘Nancy.’ Don’t fight it…

  1. Juan Caruso

    In any D.C. “analysis of what happened” [on election day], I can guarantee omission of a very poignant
    event even I had forgotten. Before anyone gets subjective and accusatory, ask yourself:
    1. How many active and veteran U.S. military service members just voted?
    2. What Veterans’ event comes exactly one week after the last election day?

    Ready? Here’s a 2-minute video The quick will learn in the first 20 secs) : http://goo.gl/XRmmmA

  2. Bryan Caskey

    Pelosi might not continue to be the minority leader in the House for much longer. Heck, Ralph Nader called on her to resign her leadership position due to her failure to lead House Democrats to pick up seats for a third straight election.

    When you’ve lost Ralph Nader…

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