Mind you, I’m not saying we need to run pictures like this and report, “Look what Trump built!” Not exactly, anyway…
When I see headlines like this (in The New Yorker), it makes me a little nervous:
It worries me because touting Trump’s failures walks all over his poor little ego, and it seems likely that such bruising would cause him to redouble his efforts. And we do not want that…
Look what happened with the Trumpcare failure. At first, he seemed content to let the whole repealing-Obamacare thing slide. But after about the billionth headline noting how he’d failed on this central (to his base) promise, he started pushing on Congress to try again.
And now, if everyone makes a big deal about him stepping away from the stupid wall thing, it’s liable to get his back up, and we’ll be wasting time talking about that again.
I’m not saying lie or mislead — I don’t want the media to actually start making a truth-teller out of Trump by reporting “fake news.” We don’t need to run pictures of the Great Wall of China on front pages and tout what a great job Trump did building it.
I’m just saying, you know, that maybe we could not rub in the failures as much. If he’s content to let his most spectacularly dumb ideas die a quiet death, maybe that’s a good thing.
I mean, report it, but don’t go on and on about it. Go easy on the poor guy; he’s having a rough year.
I’m saying, must Kathleen Parker write columns headlined, “Dealmaker in Chief? More like the Backdown President.“?
Sigh… I suppose she must…
As The New Yorker noted in that very piece I linked to above, Trump’s already getting all prickly over the reports of this latest failure:
Trump ran on loudly promised achievements.
Don’t they all?
We didn’t get much hope OR change, did we?
Well, I endorsed the OTHER guy, but from what I saw we got a lot of hope.
As for CHANGE, the GOP acts like Obamacare and Obama’s executive orders were the end of the world, and that certainly sounds like change…