Yikes! A statue even neoConfederates should want taken down

forrestMeant to share this the other day. It was in a Tweet from Noelle Phillips, who used to work at The State:

Yowee! Never mind the meaning! That is one ugly statue!

Personally, I would lead the charge to get that taken down — if I were the president of a society dedicated to protecting the reputation of Nathan Bedford Forrest. Meanwhile, folks who don’t want the Confederacy glorified would seem likely to demand that this one stay up.

The sculptor must have really hated the early KKK leader. Do they keep that up to frighten children? Or to make them laugh? I think the former would be more likely to happen…

6 thoughts on “Yikes! A statue even neoConfederates should want taken down

  1. David L Carlton

    Given that it was erected on private property, no way this one’s coming down. An old Citizens’ Council guy named Jack Kershaw sculpted this out of fiberglass and erected it on a strip of land jammed between the CSX RR and I-65 south of DT that was worthless for anything else. And, yes, it’s a *tribute!* People have asked TDOT to plant a screen of trees alongside the I-65 right of way to shield it from view, but TDOT has (correctly in my view) responded that they don’t do that sort of thing. The joke early on was that the reason for the expression on Forrest’s face is that he’s being goosed.

  2. Claus2

    Nobody says a damn thing about those slave owning Egyptians and their temples built to honor their dead leader. Tear the pyramids down now!!!

  3. Bryan Caskey

    By the way, it’s almost impossible for me to type the word “statue” correctly the first time. I’ve typed the word “statute” a billion times, and my muscle memory just takes over.


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