Again, THIS is how you get things done, people…


This is another little object lesson for Phil Noble and other Democrats who think the way to get worthwhile things done is to be more partisan, in a red state.

This came to my attention today because James Smith retweeted it, saying, “Great work ! Thank you for your leadership:”

Note that Democrat Funderburk makes a particular point of thanking, along with the speaker, Republicans Newton, Pope and Clary, as well as fellow Dems Beth Bernstein and Mandy Powers Norrell.

Here’s the bill in question.

Because, you know, this is how you get things done. By ignoring the partisan junk and working with anyone who wants to make our state better. Just as Smith himself has been demonstrating with his bill to raise the cap on solar, which has considerable Republican support.

Note also the shout-out to our own Lynn Teague. She’s one of those lobbyists who provides valuable information and input to lawmakers — you know, one of those people some of you think don’t exist…

5 thoughts on “Again, THIS is how you get things done, people…

  1. Lynn Teague

    Laurie Funderburk has gotten a lot done by working with everyone and making significant changes without a lot of fanfare. A great example — she is responsible for the law that allows us to register to vote online in SC, and make updates to our registration there with no fuss and bother. She gets things done quietly and effectively.

      1. Brad Warthen Post author

        Oops. You said register to vote online not “vote online.” Well, yeah, I guess I’m OK with that — as long as it’s not a slippery slope… And generally I’m not a believer in slippery slopes anyway. The answer to “where does it stop?” is pretty much always, “where we decide to have it stop…”

        1. Lynn Teague

          Right. We strongly oppose online voting. Duncan Buell, our League expert on voting tech, is strongly opposed to online voting but believes online registration as done in SC is largely safe. The master registration records are maintained by the SEC centrally and our SEC has been very proactive about security.


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