I was deliberately avoiding actual news the end of last week while at the beach, but now I want to congratulate James Smith and his allies of both parties on their big victory in the House last week.
Their bill to lift the cap on solar power passed the House 64-33 Thursday, after representatives rejected a competing bill pushed by the big utilities — which obviously don’t have the clout they had when they passed the Base Load Review Act.
Out of those 64, Matt Moore of the Palmetto Conservative Solar Coalition particularly thanked @garyclarysc @murrellsmith @petermccoyforsc @ChrisMurphySC98 @NancyMace @NathanBallentin @garyclarysc @ChipHugginsSC and my own rep, @MicahCaskey.
See how everybody voted on the board above.
Now, on to the Senate!
You make an interesting point here. I wonder if this would have passed if we hadn’t just been through the nuclear plant debacle.
Pleased to see my rep was a yes.