Why can’t we have this in South Carolina?

I thought this was a neat thing, and read the story about it with interest, until I got to the part where it listed the states where this service was available, and South Carolina wasn’t one of them.

I started to type, “and of course South Carolina wasn’t one of them,” but I decided not to be all negative, and I’m conscious that I use “of course” too often in a number of contexts.

But it’s a shame. It would be cool if, assuming the test I took yesterday turned out positive (which I doubt, but bear with me), everyone with a smartphone (OK, everybody who had a smartphone and activated the feature) who had been near me would be warned.

But nope…

3 thoughts on “Why can’t we have this in South Carolina?

  1. Barry

    Clark Howard talked about this months ago on his radio show and podcast, when it was in development. He breaks news on this stuff months before some of it makes the news due to his work and connections.

    I knew then that South Carolina wouldn’t go for it. It made too much sense.

  2. Scout

    People are afraid of privacy issues. It is being maligned on facebook as a ploy of scary liberals who want to invade your life. So SC won’t ever do it. Which is sad.

    On a similar note, I thought for a minute McMaster was being smart yesterday when he talked about rapid tests for schools, but then I realized that wasn’t his doing, it was the federal government. I almost gave him some credit. Then people asked him if he would consider adding restrictions back if the numbers keep going up and of course he said no. Ahh, here we go, this is the real Henry, I thought.

    “Get tested before turkey” is not a terrible idea, but it also is not a fail safe. I think they should have explained more in the press conference how to be aware of what the information means and how to use it if you get tested. It doesn’t mean you can throw caution to the wind and do everything like normal.

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