I thought the reboot of ‘The Wonder Years’ sounded OK, but I didn’t watch the first one, either, so…
Editor’s note: I’m experimenting with editing the new version of the blog.
Following up on my previous post about how fed up I am with most news these days…
I just did a quick walk around the block (it’s a big block, just under a mile) — after lunch and before diving back into work.
I listened to NPR One, and resolved from the start that I would immediately click past anything that had to do with any of the topics mentioned in that post. (That includes, as an extension of the ban on Afghanistan stories, anything that tried to take a “20th anniversary of 9/11” approach, which tends to get you into the same stuff). Oh, and I also clicked very quickly past anything that smacked of Identity Politics. You know how I am about that. You can take any interesting subject in the world, and ruin it by trying to interpret it solely in demographic terms.
I was trying to be optimistic. I was hoping to find something like the Myers-Briggs podcast I wrote about in this separate post.
That didn’t happen.
In the more than half an hour I walked, I only allowed three stories to play, and only one of those all the way through. Two of them dealt with people who play the piano — a 4-year-old prodigy, and a… well, I didn’t listen to enough of it to remember. (Sorry, Phillip!)
The one thing I listened to all the way through was this piece about the TV season about to be unveiled. I was curious because, this not being 1965, I didn’t realize people still seriously talked about “the new fall TV season.” In fact, if you had asked me whether any such thing even still existed, I might not have answered correctly.
I listened all the way through because I was curious to see whether any of the shows mentioned would be something I might want to watch. None met that standard…