You mean, he got PAID for that?

Mark Sanford made his first paid appearance on Fox today.

Wow. It’s exactly like every other Mark Sanford appearance I’ve ever seen. That same lollygaggin’ manner, the same predictable nostrums, the same feeling of being slightly out of sync with the conversation. You might think that last point was because he was doing it remotely, but real conversations with our ex-gov feel  like that.

Not to mention the professional on the other end coaching him and helping him through it.

I can see why they didn’t put this on prime time.

I’ve gotta get me a gig like that.

19 thoughts on “You mean, he got PAID for that?

  1. Brad

    By the way, as soon as I posted that, I got this on Twitter from Sanford’s former chief of staff Scott English: “Geez Brad, you used to get paid to opine. Some would say too generously. One day, you should get over endorsing him in 2002.”

    I replied, “Yeah, but when I did it on this level, I did it for free… I was sort of expecting him to BRING something.”

    Scott: “You clearly don’t watch enough cable news if you’re assuming deeper analysis on three major issues in five minutes.”

    Me: “You’ve got me there. I avoid it. But substance aside, the professionals usually impress with their… professionalism.”

    Scott: “I admit to hating the “news networks” largely for this reason. He’s no less than most professionals with that time.”

    Y’all take if from there…

  2. Brad

    That’s a bit of a coincidence. I actually saw Scott today at Rotary. He was there with Mick Zais. More on that later…

  3. Steven Davis

    “Wow. It’s exactly like every other Mark Sanford appearance I’ve ever seen. That same lollygaggin’ manner, the same predictable nostrums, the same feeling of being slightly out of sync with the conversation.”

    Replace “Mark Sanford” with “Brad Warthen” and you have this blog.

  4. bud

    To paraphrase Winston Churchill, the Sanford piece was a bromide, shrouded in a worn out cliche, wrapped in a strawman. Seriously can’t conservatives ever come up with anything original, thoughtful, helpful or in any tiny way worthwill to the citizens of this great nation. Pleeeez someone just shoot me the next time some conservative uses the term “class warfare.

  5. garby

    He is SOOOOOOO bad at this! But, I have a feeling he just chalks it up to “being Mark” instead of trying to be professional. Bad manners, in my opinion.

    FOXNews’ got points among the TP set for hiring the guy, but neither the network, viewers nor the TP movement will benefit much from this bozo’s insightful commentary.

  6. KP

    I didn’t think he did so bad. Except for *sigh* “at the end of the day,” which I’d hoped I had heard for the last time. At least he only said it once, which is better than usual.

  7. Doug Ross


    Exactly my thoughts. “We hate Mark Sanford but we can’t get enough of him.”

    My mother is the same way. She watches Fox every night for a couple hours “to see what lies they are telling”. I wouldn’t be surprised if a big chunk of Fox’s viewers were liberals looking to get worked up about something.

  8. KP

    I’ve never even seen Fox news on an actual television. I just watched it because Brad put it here….

  9. Doug T

    I could not watch all of the clip. I just couldn’t.

    Setting myself up for criticism… why would anyone watch Fox and Friends while Morning Joe is on MSNBC? At least Morning Joe has political analysis for grownups.

  10. `Kathryn Fenner

    Gee, KP–you never went to a car dealership or repair shop? It seems they all have it on!

  11. SusanG

    Or a doctor’s office in Irmo! — I once had to take my son to a large orthopedics practice in Irmo and there were at least six screens in the waiting room, all showing Fox. We ended up going into the little children’s waiting area to get some peace.

  12. `Kathryn Fenner

    I have been known to change the channel or turn off the TV. I have gotten very positive feedback from others in the waiting rooms. If you can’t do it yourself, I have sometimes spoken up, too.

  13. bud

    Kathryn, I find Fox News very offensive yet I watch it sometimes so as to view issues from all sides. Keven Cohen acknowleded on the radio recently that he has MSNBC blocked so that he can’t accidently see it. That’s a narrow minded mindset that I refuse to adhere to.

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