OK, this was about the third notice about this big “game-changing” endorsement that Vincent Sheheen’s supposed to have Monday:
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010
Contact: Trav RobertsonTOMORROW, Monday, April 19, Sen. Vincent Sheheen, Democratic candidate for governor, will be joined by a special guest in Columbia for a major campaign endorsement. The event will be held at 11:15 AM at the South Carolina Democratic Party Headquarters located at 1529 Hampton St. in Columbia.
WHAT: Game-Changing Endorsement Announcement
WHEN: Monday, April 19, 2010 at 11:15 AM
Who could it be? Well, not that many people. My first guesses would be:
- Jim Rex?
- Dick Riley?
- Jim Hodges?
I’ll guess I’ll have to wait and see. But you know what? I’d be willing to bet some money that it’s one of the first three I named. Nobody else would be “game-changing.”
My guess when I heard about this last week was that it would be Jim Hodges endorsing Sheheen.
Of the three, that seems the most likely. Although Jim Rex would be the most “game-changing,” since it would mean the primary is over.
Riley would be significant because he had been deliberately staying out of the primary.
Hodges would be, too, since he has been on the sidelines. He had been rumored to be behind Dwight Drake when he first got into it, but he scotched that rumor, and has up to now maintained that he was undecided — undecided as to WHETHER to endorse in the primary, and whom he would back if he did.
But it’s definitely one of the three. Watch and see.
“Game-changing” would be Rex, or a Republican, imho…anything else is just a play in the same game….
Of course, it would be unheard of a for a political campaign to puff.