Category Archives: Open Thread

Thoughts about the State of the Union, Haley’s response?


Y’all, I’ve really been backed up today and having technical problems and just haven’t been able to stop with day job stuff to reflect on last night’s State of the Union, or Nikki Haley’s response.

But what did y’all think? I’ll jump in there with you as I can…

haley vid

Open Thread for Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Finally, I can type “2016” in these open thread headlines, and it’s actually right!

Some topics:

  1. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley To Give GOP’s State Of The Union Response — Why am I only seeing this on the NPR site? Is it old news, and I just missed it?
  2. Seth Rose suggests changes to penny tax program — On the same day as his fellow councilman turned himself in on tax charges. Seth continues to establish himself as a voice of accountability on Richland County Council.

You know what? This isn’t a Virtual Front Page. I’m going to stop at those two suggestions, and leave it to y’all to come up with any other topics you want to talk about. This is, after all, an open thread…

Open Thread for Monday, December 21, 2015


Man, the day goes by fast when you have an office Christmas party, as we did at ADCO today. But here’s some stuff for y’all to chew on. If y’all know of any better topics, please share:

  1. 6 U.S. Soldiers Are Killed by Taliban Attack in Afghanistan — Meanwhile, the BBC reports that the Taliban is “close to taking” the town of Sangin in Helmand province.
  2. WATCH: Obama Says Trump ‘Exploiting’ Anger, Fear Among ‘Blue-Collar Men’ — No wonder they cling so to God, guns and anti-immigrant sentiment. Don’t you love it when Obama explains the white working class to us? It’s like he’s looking at ants under a magnifying glass or something…
  3. Christian conservatives coalesce around Cruz — I think The Washington Post is just leading with this at the moment because the editors are so proud of the alliteration. The copy desk chief is probably sitting at his computer working on the next story and repeating it to himself over and over in a soft chant.
  4. The Risks of Long-Term Regular Drinking — Yeah, like you really wanted to know about that this particular week
  5. Graham drops out — Well, y’all already knew about this. But to see something new, here’s a “heartfelt” video tribute Slate did to the senator’s failed campaign. Check it out below. Slate notes that “Graham, by the way, was one of the only Republican candidates with an actual plan to defeat ISIS that differed from what the U.S. is already doing.”

Open Thread for Tuesday, December 15, 2015

tag sc

Some quick topics:

  1. Threat that closed down L.A. schools appears to be a hoax, congressman says — That’s according to the L.A. Times.
  2. New SC license plate coming out next year — I think they’re an improvement, although nothing to write home about. I’d prefer the Latin: Dum Spiro Spero. Why can’t license plates be educational?
  3. Fed Poised to Mark The End of an Era — Wow, the WSJ is really excited about the expected interest-rate increase.
  4. Huckabee calls for greater monitoring of mosques — This is from the undercard debate. If you’d like to engage with me on the grownup-table debate later, go to @BradWarthen.

… or whatever else interests you.


Open Thread for Monday, December 14, 2015

Soon, I can type “2016,” as my fingers have tried to do all year, and it will be right!

Meanwhile, some possible topics:

  1. Bergdahl


    Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, freed in prisoner swap, to face court-martial — I thought they’d decided against that. Oh, well — this thing was always so fishy, the matter should probably be adjudicated. So if we decide swapping for him was a bad deal, do we get those Taliban guys back? No, I guess not…

  2. State agency questions Richland County’s handling of penny sales tax — This is Doug’s cue to say, “I told you so!”
  3. US hitting IS harder than ever, says Obama — Yeah, but “harder” is kind of a relative thing, right? Still, he’s talking tough now, telling ISIL, “You are next.” Scoff at that if you like, but remember this guy’s got a list, and no end of drones. He may not be much of one for going to the mattresses, but he’s whacked a lot of guys by remote control.
  4. ICYMI: White supremacist groups see Trump bump — This story is several days old, but somehow I missed it until today. Pair this with Ross Douthat applying Umberto Eco’s definition to assert that Trump is, indeed, a fascist, and it gets really interesting.
Oh, yes... and The Force Awakens in just four days.

Oh, yes… and The Force Awakens in just four days.

Open Thread for Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Just a quick one to make up for not posting all day:

  1. San Bernardino Couple Spoke of Attacks in 2013, F.B.I. Says — But wait! Edward Snowden says we live in a “surveillance state” in which even our most intimate thoughts are known to Big Brother! So how come we didn’t know about this? The weird headline of the day is on the BBC version of this story: “California pair ‘plotted before dating’.” That seems unlikely. You’re going to share a secret like that with someone you haven’t even gotten to first base with?
  2. The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class — It seems that the lower and upper classes have taken share away from the middle.
  3. Franklin Graham sides with Donald Trump on barring Muslim immigration to U.S. — Starting to think that he’s not the man his father was. Billy was all about the Invitation.
  4. Man accused in Planned Parenthood shooting: ‘I’m a warrior for the babies’ — Yeah, right. Like that’s really going to do the unborn a lot of good. You know what he said that I do believe? “I’m guilty.”
  5. The Baby Whisperer — This pediatrician has a foolproof method for calming crying newborns:

Open Thread for Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Here’s what I have:

  1. 14 Die in California Rampage, Police Say — Three gunmen still at large. “Domestic terrorism” mentioned, although no one really knows yet what it was about.
  2. Spurrier banner removed from Williams-Brice — And now, from the world of far-less-consequential news… But I will say, I wondered when they were going to get around to this. And I wonder how much the thing cost. A tidbit from The State‘s story: Spurrier’s won-loss record was 77-39 before the banner went up, and 9-10 after. And they say he never wanted the banner.
  3. Private memo lays out how GOP would deal with Trump as nominee — From a quick scan of the story, it appears to outline a total capitulation to Trumpism. That is, going along with the guy who said today that he’d deal with ISIL by going after their families. You know, this could be the death of the Republican Party. It would certainly guarantee a Clinton victory. If there’s to be a GOP, Rubio needs to get his young behind in gear. Or Jeb!, but that ship may have sailed… I see what he’s put out lately, and it just seems weak
  4. Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war — The normal, grownup thing to do would be to ignore such insanity, but we can’t because of the “it is hurting the war” part. I read the story and tried to understand the reasoning of people who think this, but I can’t. There’s just no place to grab hold of it that makes sense. Wow. Just wow…

Open Thread for Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A cartoon from my oldest friend in the newspaper game, Richard Crowson.

A cartoon from my oldest friend in the newspaper game, Richard Crowson.

A few things y’all might want to discuss:

  1. SecDef Carter: U.S. sending combat troops into Syria — This time, there’s no tiptoeing around and talking about a noncombat role; these special forces guys are going in to fight — specifically, to conduct raids on ISIL targets. I’m not sure why none of the major news outlets are leading with this; perhaps they will later in the day. Meanwhile, Obama defends his strategy in Paris. (I guess his strategy is to sneak into a ground combat role gradually, like the proverbial frog in the boiling water, and hope his base doesn’t notice.)
  2. Obama On Climate Change: ‘I Actually Think We’re Going To Solve This Thing’ — What he said in Paris about a subject he’d rather talk about, as opposed to ISIL.
  3. Why the U.S. Pays More Than Other Countries for Drugs — Hope y’all can get past the WSJ paywall and read this. If not, the short version is, because the drug companies make most of their profits off of us. Which is kinda what you thought, right?
  4. Chicago Police Superintendent Fired; Force Faces a Review — Rahm Emanuel just announced this. This is leading major sites now; I guess they haven’t focused on Syria.
  5. To feel the true force of ‘Star Wars,’ George Lucas had to learn to let go — You know what helped? They paid him enough to build his own Death Star. And then build another one when that one blows up. And then still be outrageously rich. I mean, I love Star Wars and all, but in that position I’d have been all Han Solo: Show me the money.


Open Thread for Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Yeah, I know I’ve used the above cartoon at this time of year before, but it’s a holiday favorite by my old friend Richard Crowson. Richard and I go way back.

Some possible topics:

  1. Russian foreign minister calls plane downing ‘planned provocation’ — Kinda scary. Or, as John Wayne said to Kirk Douglas in “In Harm’s Way,” “A lousy situation, Commander Eddington.”
  2. Tense but Peaceful Protests in Chicago After Video Release — I would certainly think the protests would be peaceful. If I’m a protester, I’m like, “I was really mad that the cops initially lied, but now the cop’s been charged and this video’s been released, so the system worked. I think I’ll go home and see what’s new on Netlix.” But then, that’s me. When I’m mad, I don’t take to the streets; I write.
  3. Black Friday Falters as Consumer Behaviors Change — One of those end-of-an-era-type stories.
  4. US activists to launch Guantánamo protest along camp’s perimeter — Again, we have my failure to get protesters. I mean, POTUS is trying like fun to close Gitmo, and has not succeeded because of very obvious obstacles, but will continue to try. So the protest expects to accomplish… what?
  5. Midlands family says home was targeted by people assuming members are Muslim — Sheesh. Like we need this. Someone in the story refers to the racist perps as “gentlemen.” Yeah. Like the “gentlemen” who frequent “gentlemen’s clubs?”

Or whatever y’all have…


Open Thread for Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Some possible topics:

  1. At the Citadel, Bush calls for US ground forces to fight Islamic State — OK, now we have the basis for a political discussion about options. And it appears that Bush has decided a bold proposal will get him some traction, and if it doesn’t — well, he’s finished anyway.
  2. Alleged ringleader in Paris attacks killed in raid, officials say — He didn’t get far. He was right outside Paris.
  3. Richland 2 postpones trips to Washington, D.C., after Paris attacks — This sort of surprises me. Does it surprise you? First Bartlet hides his M.S.; now this.
  4. Martin Sheen salutes ‘courage’ of son Charlie after HIV announcement — Well, you’ve gotta support your kid. But this has to be causing headaches for C.J. Cregg.

Or whatever you’d like to bring up…


Open Thread for Monday, November 16, 2015

President Barack Obama welcomes Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius of France before meeting with European leaders on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey, to discuss the terrorist attacks in Paris, Nov. 16, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

President Barack Obama welcomes Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius of France before meeting with European leaders on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey, to discuss the terrorist attacks in Paris, Nov. 16, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

A quick once-over of today’s news:

  1. Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy — Yeah, that’s from The Guardian, hence the British spelling. Meanwhile, Hollande vows to destroy ISIS, saying “France is at war” and “They are not out of our reach.” So remind me, because I’m getting confused: Which of them leads France, and which the United States? I mean, it’s like he’s taunting Obama, saying such things as “It is not about containing, but about destroying that organization.”
  2. Governors bar Syrian refugees — This morning, it was Alabama, Michigan and Texas moving to bar the furriners on account a them all being terrorists. Now, it’s up to 16 governors — all Republican. Please don’t say South Carolina will be next… Please don’t say South Carolina will be next… Actually, I’m going to go out on a limb and say I don’t think Nikki Haley would do something like that. And not just because she’s my girl since her leadership on the flag. I think that, as the child of nonChristian immigrants, she knows better… POTUS is right when he reacts to some GOP candidates’ demagoguery by saying a religious test for immigrants would be “shameful.”
  3. USC students protest inequalities — The group “did not provide complete details of all the incidents that led to the protest Monday.” So, just because, I guess. Get back to me when the football team threatens to boycott the next game. Come to think of it, a move like that could help the team’s win percentage this year…

That’s enough. If y’all want to talk about other stuff be my guest, but that’s a plateful…

Open Thread for Thursday, November 12, 2015

James Flowers, who will run against Leon Lott. Nice campaign picture, huh?

James Flowers, who will run against Leon Lott. Nice campaign picture, huh?

Here are some conversation-starters:

  1. GM to Import Chinese-Made Buick — So now American cars have to compete with American cars from abroad? WSJ notes that this is right after GM agreed to a new labor contract expected to drive up it’s cost of making cars in this country.
  2. Leon Lott to have primary opposition in 2016 — That’s his picture above. As you can see, unlike Leon, he is not my twin. Too young.
  3. Mobster, 80, Cleared on All Counts in ‘Goodfellas’ Case — So they made a whole frickin’ movie about it, and he didn’t even do it? That’s funny! What do you mean, funny? What’s funny about it? You think I’m a clown, that I’m here to amuse you…?
  4. Russia reveals giant nuclear torpedo in state TV ‘leak’ — And I thought the Russkies were supposed to be good at keeping secrets. Or did they leak this on purpose so everybody would think they had a “giant nuclear torpedo?”

Or whatever y’all want to talk about…

Open Thread for Monday, November 9, 2015


I’m posting this mostly to find out whether y’all know of anything interesting to talk about today. The well seems pretty dry to me, but here are some possibilities:

  1. University of Missouri president resigns amid racial tensions — Was this a story before the guy resigned? If so, I missed it, and I thought I was pretty much up on major racial flashpoints. Everybody seems to be leading with it on this slow news day… Oh, wait — it seems to have had something to do with football. No wonder I missed it.
  2. Russia Engaged in Sports Doping, Commission Finds — It looks like I have a sports fixation today (there’s another coming below), but this was state-sponsored cheating by Putin’s Russia, and that seemed worth talking about…
  3. Susan Brill to run for Lourie seat — A contest between Brill and Mia McLeod will definitely be worth watching, starting with the fact that the Lourie family seems less than enchanted with the Democratic candidate. Joel’s brother Neal is on Ms. Brill’s campaign committee.
  4. Isn’t it bad enough that BOYS want to play football? — Just to take another slap at the only game we’re hearing about now that the Series is over (all too soon). The NYT ran brief essays from five people about the “problem” that some boys don’t think girls should play football. Each took a distinctive position, but not one challenged the premise that boys should want girls to play football. The pieces were all about how to make sure those boys get their minds right. Huh. Personally, I don’t think we should encourage boys to play football, and extending the insanity to the other half of the population strikes me as beyond absurd. But I  know I’m unusual.

That’s it. That’s all I’m seeing. Your suggestions are even more welcome than usual…



Open Thread for Friday, November 6, 2015

Sorry about no posts yesterday; I’m trying to get back on track here:

  1. Obama rejects Keystone XL project, citing climate concerns — OK, somebody ‘splain this to me: If you’re concerned about climate change, you want to see us move away from fossil fuels. And I think most rational people want to do that, as soon as we can. But we know that we won’t be able to replace them for decades to come, and will still need fossil fuels in the meantime if we want to have jobs and eat and operate our mobile devices. So… why not do so as efficiently as possible? I don’t get it. But then, I’m an Energy Party guy.
  2. Russia suspends Egypt flights — It would be nice if someone would figure out what actually happened, and how and why.
  3. Editorial: USC shouldn’t pay Spurrier for work he’s not doing — Absolutely. Oh, and I enjoyed the file photo that The State ran with the edit — Spurrier in his office leaning back with his hands behind his head, his golf clubs occupying a prominent space at his right hand…
  4. Friends proud of Chester boy who died saving sister from hit-and-run — Don’t know what else to say about this. Can you be devastated and proud at the same time? I suppose so…
  5. Conjured criminals: A history of imagined perpetrators — I just included this because it features the BBC revisiting the Susan Smith case. See below.


Open Thread for Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Is the president seeking intelligent life? I notice the telescope is NOT aimed at the Capitol...

Is the president seeking intelligent life? I notice the telescope is NOT aimed at the Capitol…

A few topics:

  1. County may pay ex-Maj. Gen. Turner $194,000 for flood relief — Abraham Turner was an impressive general officer, who I suspect would have inspired confidence on a battlefield. But while it pales in comparison to what Steve Spurrier is pulling in, I fail to see how he qualifies for this sort of remuneration from a county in need. Richland County Council is apparently discussing this tonight. John Crangle says the proposed contract “doesn’t smell very good.” No kidding.
  2. Jim Webb drops out of 2016 Democratic primary — You know what this means, don’t you? It means he’ll have to wait even longer to be called on in the next Democratic debate. And he’s contemplating an independent bid, which I suppose means we may never hear of him again.
  3. Pierre Trudeau’s kid elected to run Canada — It’s morning again in Canada, as the new Liberal PM touts his “sonny ways.” I mean, “sunny ways.” Well, good luck, Justin. Oh, and Mick Jagger says to say “hi” to your mom. Me, I’ll just be sitting here thinking about our largest trading partner being run by someone who was born the year I graduated from high school.
  4. US and Russia sign deal to avoid Syria air incidents — Here’s hoping our forces stay separated by something more than a “red line.”


Open Thread for Monday, October 12, 2015

Cristóbal Colón before Their Most Catholic Majesties: Hey, you got jewels -- you could hock 'em or somethin'...

Cristóbal Colón before Their Most Catholic Majesties: Hey, you got jewels — you could hock ’em or somethin’…

Today, I’m deliberately going with stories that are a little off the beaten track from the hard news I usually lean toward, “talkers” that wouldn’t normally make a front page:

  1. Should we still celebrate Columbus Day? — Of course we should mark what happened in 1492, and calling it Columbia Day is as good a designation as any. Not because he was some kind of plaster saint, and not because he was some purveyor of genocide. He was neither. But what he accomplished in kicking off the phenomenon of globalization was world-shaking. If you doubt it, I recommend you read 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created. It’s fascinating, and eye-opening. Why do people always want to make historical figures into angels or devils? They’re just people, and some of them did extraordinary things. Columbus did. Not exactly on purpose, but he did — in spite of his being very confused about geography.
  2. Confederate flag-wavers charged as street gang — Georgia seems to be having more trouble putting the flag behind it than we have. Not that we have room to be smug — I’ve seen the locals driving around with the flag waving from their pickups (which is not a slur against pickup drivers; I am one). Although not in the last few weeks…
  3. London Police Stop Watching Ecuadorean Embassy For Sign Of Assange — Nice, idea, mates — tell everyone you’ve stopped watching, so you can bag him when he pokes his head out. That is what you’re about, right?
  4. Zimbabwe drops case against lion killer — Apparently, all of the dentist’s “papers were in order.” Oh, well, in that case…
  5. How the pope ended up blessing this boy — Just a heart-warmer about what it meant to this family with a sick child that the pope stopped his car to come over and give him a blessing.

No doubt some of y’all will have some of other ideas for topics.


Open Thread for Thursday, October 8, 2015

President Barack Obama talks on the phone in the Oval Office with South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to express sympathy for families affected by the floods and to offer whatever federal assistance is needed to help families recover, Oct. 5, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

President Barack Obama talks on the phone in the Oval Office with South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to express sympathy for families affected by the floods and to offer whatever federal assistance is needed to help families recover, Oct. 5, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

A few topics for your consideration:

  1. Still no drinking water in Columbia — Which is the one lasting effect of the flood for those of us who did not get washed out of our homes. For more, follow the link.
  2.  McCarthy Quits Speaker’s Race, Leaving G.O.P. in Disarray — Because, you know, it was in such great shape before. I have a theory: The only reason the GOP hasn’t split into more than one party before now is that people today have been programmed to think in binary terms, to the point that they can’t imagine new parties. To them, you’re either left or right, Democrat or Republican, and nothing else is conceivable. Back in our pre-1860 politics, new parties would form in response to such disagreement. Which, you know, is how we got the GOP.
  3. Russian Missiles Fired at Syria Struck Iran, U.S. Says — Nice shooting there, Ivan. I mean, go ahead and pull somebody else into the fighting, why don’t you?
  4. Airman who helped stop French train attack is stabbed — Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone’s wounds were significant, but he’s in stable condition.
  5. New Diet Pepsi Leaves Some With a Bad Taste — Some? Some? Was there ever a Diet Pepsi bottled that did not leave a bad taste? I’ve got a suggestion for you, folks: If you don’t want the calories, drink water. (Unless, of course, you’re in Columbia this week.)

Open Thread for Thursday, October 1, 2015


Topics available out there at the moment:

  1. Multiple Deaths Reported in Shooting at Oregon College — I’ve seen an indication that the shooter is dead; details still coming in.
  2. There’s been no calendar week without a mass shooting during Obama’s 2nd term — Interesting observation from The Fix. Now watch: Some Republican will say, “I told you the country would go to hell if he were re-elected.”
  3. Russia defends Syrian airstrikes as claims mount of blows to U.S.-backed rebels — This situation is just getting more and more dangerous. They’re in-theater, we’re in-theater, and there’s shooting going on…
  4. Man charged in Forest Acres officer’s death waives bond — Yeah, if I were that guy, I don’t think I’d want to be out on the street, either.
  5. Investigating Clinton Email Server, FBI Says It Doesn’t ‘Give A Rip About Politics’ — Well, that’s… good, I suppose.

Oh, and finally, I liked this little slice-of-life anecdote from the night before Boehner made his announcement:

What a busy Friday: Stuff going on right now (more or less)

pope UN

Lot of stuff going on for a Friday morning. Not here in Columbia — here it’s just raining. But we have these things of national and global significance happening more or less as I type:

  1. Pope speaks to U.N. — OK, this just ended before I could finish the post. That’s OK, you might have had trouble following the feed; during the part I caught he was speaking Spanish (with an unusual accent to my ear; I guess I haven’t heard that many Argentines). He’s talked so far about saving the planet, has endorsed the Iran deal and has said nations need to remove barriers to the education of girls.
  2. John Boehner resigns — My first reaction was, “Was it something the Pope said?” After all, Boehner invited him, much to the chagrin of some of the crazies in his party. But I think it’s just the accumulated stress of trying to lead said crazies. Why would he want to quit? Well, just for instance, when his resignation was announced at the “Values Voters Summit,” the news got a standing ovation.
  3. Chinese leader visits Obama — Technically, this hasn’t happened yet, but the White House is poised to roll out “pomp-filled arrival ceremony,” then a state dinner tonight. These guys should have a lot to talk about. Mr. President, can you say, “Stop the hacking?” Not to mention the weight Xi has been throwing around in the East and South China Sea.

And… dang it, there was something else. What am I forgetting?

Open Thread for Wednesday, September 23, 2015


A few things to chew on…

  1. In D.C., pope weighs in on climate, poverty, immigration — He also gave POTUS a bit of a homily on respecting religious liberty, so it wasn’t all hugs and kisses.
  2. Volkswagen CEO Resigns, Saying He’s ‘Shocked’ By Emissions Scandal — He was also distressed to learn that there was gambling going on at Rick’s.
  3. Carly Fiorina in Columbia — There’s video at The State’s site.
  4. Yankees Catcher With a Wit All His Own — Yogi Berra’s dead! Oh, say it ain’t so…

These aren’t great talkers, not that I look back over the list. Maybe y’all have some better ideas…