This just in…
I complain mightily about the squirrels that regularly hog the seed in the bird feeder, despite all my countermeasures, and I always rush out to chase them off when I see them.
But I enjoyed this peaceful scene a few minutes ago.
Finding the feeder empty this morning, I replenished it, thereby making it extremely attractive to squirrels… and, you know, birds.
But I just looked out there, and was pleased to see this guy stretched out on the deck (on a cushion, of course), sunbathing.
And of course, the feeder crowded with birds, just a few feet away.
I thought this was impressively magnanimous of him, kicking back for awhile and letting the birds have a chance at that fresh seed. And smart, too. That sun had to feel good, since it was 37 degrees out there.
And no, he wasn’t sick with bird flu or anything (can squirrels catch that? — I dunno). Shortly after this was taken, he lifted his head, scratched himself a bit, and climbed down and ran around as usual.
I watched for a while to see if he would now take a flying leap at the feeder, but he didn’t. Not then. Still being magnanimous.
Not that he won’t before the day is out. But you know what? When he does, I might give him a few minutes to gorge himself before I go out and holler to make him flee. He’s a pretty decent squirrel…