What about Gresham Barrett?

Tweet Either today or tomorrow I'm going to call and talk to Gresham Barrett about his candidacy for governor, for the purposes of a column — like the one I did on Vincent Sheheen. As I've indicated, I plan to focus on candidates for this job early, and give you, the voter, as much information […]

Remembering ‘Breaking the News’

TweetBack in the first comment on this post, Lee mentioned James Fallows' excellent book, Breaking the News: The News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy — which, as it happens, I actually reviewed for this newspaper when it came out. Here's what I wrote, back in 1996: THE STATEMEDIA EXAMINES ITSELF<Published on: 02/25/1996Section: TEMPOEdition: FINALPage: […]

GOP dark horse steps forward

TweetThis just came to my attention, and in keeping with my efforts to begin chronicling the 2010 gubernatorial election (because the sooner we can get a new governor, the better), I share it with you: {BC-SC-Governor-Nelsen, 2nd Ld-Writethru,0320}{Furman professor plans GOP bid for SC governor}{Eds: UPDATES with quotes, details from Nelsen, Bauer. ADDS byline.}{By JIM […]

Blinded by ideology

TweetJust to show you the difference from an UnParty approach and an ideological one, take a look at The Wall Street Journal‘s editorial on the Detroit bailout, and compare it to ours. Both of us are against the bailout. So we agree, right? Not quite. It seems that the one thing that bugs the WSJ […]

Comparing McCain now with the campaign against him in 2000

TweetSpeaking of stuff that was on today’s op-ed page, did you read the other piece, the one by the two profs — no, wait, just one of them was a prof (at Furman); the other might more accurately be termed a "writer" — about how that awful John McCain ought to "know better" than to […]

Our fiscal 9/11?

TweetRemember when Democrats and Republicans stood on the Capitol steps and sang "God Bless America?" For a moment there, the Washington crowd was stunned by the attacks of 9/11 into forgetting their stupid partisan differences and remembering they were Americans. I made a passing reference to that in a column last week. This NYT story […]

Yelling at the television

TweetBy BRAD WARTHENEDITORIAL PAGE EDITORTHE DEMOCRATIC convention forced me to an unpleasant realization: I’ve become one of those crotchety old guys who yell at the television in helpless frustration: “Lies! How can they say such things? How can anyone sit still for this stuff?”    And this week, I’m in for more of the same […]

Desirée Jaimovich, Argentine journalist

Tweet Remember a few months back, when I was visited by Zoe Rachel Usherwood, Foreign Affairs Producer for Sky News in the U.K.? Well, whether you remember or not, it was right after the primaries, when there had been a lot of international attention focused on South Carolina. Well, today the same international program brought […]

Roots of American Zionism

TweetThe July/August issue of Foreign Affairs has an interesting piece on "The Deep Roots of American Zionism," by Walter Russell Mead of the (gasp!) Council on Foreign Relations. His point is a fairly simple one — and, when you think about it, one that should be obvious: People who talk about some sort of discrete […]

The Energy Party Manifesto: Feb. 4, 2007

TweetSince, I’m on my Energy Party kick again, it occurs to me to provide you with something never previously published on the blog: My original Energy Party column from the paper. Since it was based on a blog post to start with, I didn’t post it here. Consequently, when I do my obligatory "Energy Party" […]

Prepared text of Obama speech

Tweet Here’s the text of Obama’s speech as written. It came in at 10:52, embargoed until he gave it. I’m posting it as it ends, and as I go into a meeting… EMBARGOED UNTIL DELIVERY"A More Perfect Union"Remarks of Senator Barack ObamaConstitution CenterTuesday, March 18th, 2008Philadelphia, Pennsylvania As Prepared for Delivery “We the people, in […]

Republicans don’t like paying for it

TweetNo, this isn’t about politicians’ involvement in prostitution. It’s about something that struck me about this press release I just got from Jim Clyburn: March 12, 2008FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CLYBURN: WHAT DO REPUBLICANS HAVE AGAINST VOLUNTEERISM? WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn today released the following statement criticizing House Republicans for defeating […]

Tax cigarettes more, but not because a poll said so

TweetBy BRAD WARTHENEDITORIAL PAGE EDITORWHAT DO YOU think of the results of the latest Winthrop/ETV poll of South Carolinians, released late last week?    Here’s what I think: Thank goodness the founders of this country bequeathed us a republic rather than a system of direct democracy, and those who devised our state system sorta, kinda […]

The real split in American politics

TweetBy BRAD WARTHENEditorial Page EditorLATE ON SUPER Tuesday, I was typing on my blog in one room while Hillary Clinton was addressing her supporters on the TV in another.    I couldn’t hear every word, but the ones that did cut through were telling:     Now, we know the Republicans won’t give up the […]

Obama’s full victory speech

Tweet Catching up with stuff now I’m back at the office, here is a copy of Barack Obama’s wonderful victory speech from Saturday night. That is, this is a copy of the prepared remarks. You can view the video here: Remarks of Senator Barack Obama South Carolina Primary Night Saturday, January 26th, 2008 Columbia, South […]

Will the Obama strategy work, now and in the future?

TweetA couple of days back, our own Valerie Bauerlein and her associates with the WSJ had a piece that described rather well what was different about Barack Obama’s campaign in South Carolina. And no, I don’t mean that he’s been more inspiring or any of that stuff you’re tired of hearing me say. I refer […]