Living down our history

TweetBy BRAD WARTHENEDITORIAL PAGE EDITORMY GRANDMOTHER used to tell a story about when she was a very little girl living in the Washington area.    Her family was from South Carolina. Her father was an attorney working for the federal government. One of their neighbors was a U.S. senator from South Carolina. When her parents […]

Romney vs. JFK

Tweet     Almost 50 years ago another candidate from Massachusetts explained that he was an American running for President, not a Catholic running for President.  Like him, I am an American running for President.  I do not define my candidacy by my religion.  A person should not be elected because of his faith nor […]

Catholics Fed Up with Partisanship

TweetAt least, that (what my headline says) would probably have been the name of this group if I had been the one to start it. Or perhaps, "Catholics Cracking Heads for Civility." But Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good is kinder and gentler than I am, so they take a more easygoing approach in […]


TweetExcuse the old-fashioned screamer headline, but this is pretty startling stuff. Mark Sanford, the governor who long ago gave up playing well with others (radical libertarians, being self-oriented, have trouble with that sort of thing, so make allowances) has just taken his first visible step toward dumping the conservative Republicans in the Legislature in favor […]

A dialogue on the Edwards flap

TweetAfter spending a good bit of time in e-conversation with this reader, I thought I might as well share it with the rest of y’all. This is the message that started it: From: Amy HollemanSent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:35 AMTo: Warthen, Brad – External EmailSubject: Edwards and other Candidates Mr. Warthen, I continue to […]

Why I see John Edwards as a big phony: Director’s Cut

TweetBy Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorSEVERAL MONTHS ago, I observed on my blog that I think John Edwards is a phony — a make-believe Man of The People.    It’s not so much that he’s lying when he says he wants to help One America -– the Deserving Poor, whom he wants to vote for him […]

Now we know how debates can be stupider

Tweet     "I think this is a ridiculous exercise."            — Joe Biden Amen. If the frontiersmen who trashed the White House after Andrew Jackson’s inaugural had had YouTube, it would have looked like what we saw out of Charleston Monday night. No, I take that back. The yahoos who had to […]

Why don’t these guys just leave a comment?

TweetJust to put it where it should be — on the blog — I share this bit of fan e-mail: Re:   Mr. Warthen   First, I suggest you seek professional help and get your Nazi fetish fixed. Listening to you whine about how you are so pi**ed off because you weren’t born in […]

The Dump is Dead, or at least it WILL be

TweetEvery once in a while, something good happens over at the State House, and in an overwhelmingly good way. The sort of thing that keeps us trying on all the frustrating issues where it’s hard to make progress. The House Agriculture and Environmental Affairs Committee voted 16-0 NOT to extend the life of the Barnwell […]

Solution to gerrymandering?

TweetAndrew Sullivan just posted something pretty cool. It’s about a computer program that draws far more logical (looking) districts than the madness that political gerrymandering creates. Just imagine — representatives elected by actual, whole communities instead of tortuously carved out to separate people by race and political proclivities, all in the name of partisanship. Go […]

Robert Gates column

Tweet The return of the professional By Brad WarthenEditorial Page Editor“AMID TAWDRINESS, he stands for honor, duty and decency,” another author once wrote of John le Carre’s fictional hero George Smiley.    George was the master Cold Warrior brought back in from retirement to save British intelligence from the liars, self-dealers, ideologues, social climbers and […]