No runoffs in these two races

TweetThis is a real shame — the one guy who really cared about and understood the job losing this badly to a guy who just decided he’d put his name up again, and to my knowledge, has expressed no interest yet in actually doing the job of state Treasurer: (COLUMBIA, S.C.) – Senator Greg Ryberg, […]

Harry Huntley, Richland County Auditor, Democrat

TweetTuesday, 12:30 p.m. Maybe I can keep up with these endorsement interview posts if I do the latest one first, and work backwards. The only candidate seeking the Democratic nomination for Richland County auditor to come in for an interview this round is the incumbent, Harry Huntley. His challenger, Paul Brawley, joins what is shaping […]

Fragments from interview marathon

TweetHighlights and sidelightsfrom a week of interviews By Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorSOME NUGGETS from interviews this past week with candidates in the June 13 primaries: Monday, 8:30 a.m. Surprise: Rep. Joe E. Brown, the retired school administrator who has represented S.C. House District 73 for 20 years, seems to have viable Democratic opposition. Energetic young […]

Galivants Ferry III: Biden column

TweetBiden hopes even ‘red states’ want ‘competent government’ By Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorTHE AMERICAN people “have written off” the Bush administration, U.S. Sen. Joe Biden told a parking lot full of Democrats Monday at Galivants Ferry.    “Part of me says ‘good; they figured it out,’” he said. But “In a sense it’s a shame, […]

Whom will we endorse?

TweetAs both a blogger and editorial page editor, and not exactly in that order, I can run into certain conflicts: If I use the blog to share my impressions of candidates as we wade through endorsement interviews, am I not risking giving away whom we are likely to endorse? And yet if I don’t share […]

Sunday’s Iraq war column

TweetIraq: Why we’re there, why we must stay By Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorI WAS BRIEFLY taken aback when a colleague reminded me that we were coming up on the third anniversary of “the war.”    I thought we passed the fourth one last September. Within days after 9/11, I turned a file drawer over to […]

Gang of 14 still rides

TweetGraham provides model of whatparties should be, but are not By Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorTHERE’S something reassuring about sitting and talking with a U.S. senator and thinking, “This guy is smarter than I am.”    Even better thoughts: “He’s smarter than most other senators, and the nation sees that. And he represents South Carolina.”    […]

How stupid is the press?

TweetA link that blog regular Herb provides in a recent comment asks the not-so-musical question, "Are reporters too stupid to get religion?" The simple answer is, "Yes." But that’s a little too simple. I should elaborate. Journalists pride themselves (many of them do, anyway; I certainly did during my news days) on being jacks of […]

Outsourcing the republic

TweetOutsourcing the deliberative process By Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorTHE POSITION we take in the above editorial is an uncomfortable one. I say that not because using a “BRAC” approach to consolidate school districts is a bad idea. In fact, it’s a great one. But it shouldn’t be.    Our system of representative democracy is all […]

Lake rising column

TweetFirst, take action to make the whole lake riseBy Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorPOLITICAL NOSTRUMS often become obnoxious with excessive application. Some simply start out that way.    For me, one that has always fit in the latter category is “A rising tide lifts all boats.”    I’ve never denied that there’s truth in it. At […]