Judicial independence column

TweetAmerica must uphold judicial independence at home, tooBy Brad WarthenEditorial Page EditorWHAT DO Viktor Yushchenko, Saddam Hussein, Clement Haynsworth and Samuel Alito all have in common?    Judicial independence.    That is to say, all have been at the center of events that illustrate the importance of that critical element, which anchors our republic in […]


TweetFinally, voices of reason talk back on IraqBy BRAD WARTHENEditorial Page EditorFINALLY.    Finally, after weeks of serious talk about taking the suicidal step of pulling American troops out of Iraq — driven by the steady drip of relentless news coverage of a casualty one day, two the next, and virtually nothing else; by poll […]

Keeping the ‘Un’ in ‘Unparty’

TweetA comment by GS Gantt deserves a prominent reply, so I’m making a separate post of it. He wrote, in part: Your "UNPARTY" idea has merit in that it would be in opposition to the Democrats and Republicans, such opposition being desperately needed. But I’m sure you know full well how terribly difficult and expensive […]

This column contains no allergens

Tweet‘Disinterested observer’corrupted by a can of soupBy BRAD WARTHENEDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR    BIG BROTHER is about to step in and make my life — and the lives of a tiny handful of others — better by imposing broad regulations that will probably cost the food industry billions without benefiting the overwhelming majority of Americans one […]

No finger-pointing

TweetDid anyone besides me note the extreme irony in this item on NPR this morning? Asked by anchor Renée Montagne about how the rest of the country was reacting to the anger of many Pakistani quake victims over "inadequate response" on the part of their government to their plight, Michael Sullivan said: Renée, I think […]

Perception or reality?

TweetSome additional thoughts I didn’t have room for in today’s column. In fact, these thoughts were actually central to the original idea for the column, but I ended up going in another direction: A related issue: I’m sick of seeing perception spoken of as though it were substantial. If a poll shows that 57 percent […]

August 31 column, w/ links

TweetSnippets from a conversation: Bill Gates, innovation and leadershipBy BRAD WARTHENEditorial Page Editor    JOHN WARNER responded to my Sunday column about Inez Tenenbaum’s decision not to seek a third term as education superintendent by quoting Bill Gates.    Specifically, he quoted from a speech the Microsoft honcho delivered to the National Education Summit on […]

Extras from Tenenbaum meeting

TweetThere were a few points of interests from our Thursday editorial board meeting with Inez Tenenbaum that didn’t fit into my column Sunday. First, she made a number of comments that — despite her continued attempts to be diplomatic — betrayed the degree to which her frustration with Gov. Mark Sanford has grown over the […]

The Party’s over…

TweetOK, Jake and Tim, time to chill with the party stuff. It’s really wildly inappropriate in the present context. Both of you started off great with the good wishes, and I’m sure Nina appreciates them. But things start to go awry with Jake’s words, "Since Ms. Brook was a Democrat working for Gov. Hodges…" Was […]

Gov. Moonbeam, original edition

TweetThe coincidences abound. One of my colleagues happened to e-mail me a link to Jerry Brown’s blog. Yes, that Jerry Brown, former governor of California (and son of a governor of California), former presidential candidate, former boyfriend of Linda Ronstadt. The original Governor Moonbeam. I already had the site bookmarked, but hadn’t looked at it […]

Nice letter, Shell

TweetThat was an excellent letter to the editor we ran from Shell Suber on today’s editorial page. Am I saying that because I agree with his point? Well, yeah. But there’s another reason — the way that he expressed the point. After pointing out that he was not in the room when the filibuster compromise […]