Everything that is wrong with our politics, in state & nation

Tweet OK, so maybe it’s not everything — there’s personal pettiness, and anti-intellectualism, and an appalling willingness on the parts of too many to stoop to the lowest common public impulses for advantage — but it’s something that runs through it all, and ruins everything it touches. And besides, those things are more or less […]

No, actually, ‘Islamist’ has a pretty clear meaning

TweetJust got a release from CAIR on this subject: (WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/3/13) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today distributed a commentary urging media outlets to drop the term “Islamist” because it is “currently used in an almost exclusively pejorative context.”… In this connection, the group offered an op-ed from Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications […]

‘Lincoln’ is one of those rare films you really must see

TweetOver the weekend, I experienced the polar opposites of cinematic achievement: First, AT&T was having a free weekend for premium channels, and while I recorded a number of films I expect to enjoy, one of those channels also showed David Lynch’s execrable “Dune.” I had not watched it since that bitterly disappointing night in 1984 […]

Why can’t the actual candidates be this grown-up?

TweetBack in my fire-breathing days when I thought it was possible to completely transform South Carolina right NOW — say, the year that I spent directing the “Power Failure” project, 1991 — I used to rail against the politeness that characterized public life in our state. Not that politeness per se was a bad thing. […]

Brief observations from Monday night

Tweet Since I suffered through enough of the GOP convention last night to send out a few tweets, I might as well share them here (one of these days I’m going to figure out how to seamlessly integrate Twitter into this blog in real time; until then I’ll  have to do this). And “suffered” is […]

The worst thing that my generation of journalists did to America

TweetIn advance of the 40th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, Kathleen Parker wrote a column about the harm that Nixon did to the American spirit. The part of the column that spoke most to me, though, was this: Not incidentally, Watergate also created something else of significance — the celebrity journalist and a generation of […]

Then, suddenly, the economy got worse faster than you can say ‘Polish death camp’

TweetThis hasn’t been a good week for Mr. Obama. First there was the “Polish death camp” thing that wouldn’t go away. (Hey, I understood what he meant, didn’t you? But just try explaining it to the Poles…) Today, there’s this: Worst U.S. Job Data in a Year Signals Stalling Recovery A dismal job market report […]

Let’s raise the “naming” bar a LITTLE, at least

TweetOh, gee, you gotta be kidding me. I just got this from Wesley Donehue: In recognition of Andre’ Bauer’s awareness of and efforts to meet the needs of South Carolina’s seniors during his tenure as Lt. Governor, Lexington County Recreation & Aging Commission is naming its senior center in Batesburg-Leesville the “Andre’ Bauer Senior Center.” […]

Letter from the ‘Alamo’ of Texas public schools

TweetThought this was interesting. A public school administrator in Texas penned a letter (last year, but I didn’t see it until now), based on that written by South Carolinian William Barret Travis from the Alamo, describing how he was besieged by ideological “reformers” in his state. Will anyone ride to his rescue? And if he […]

‘No Irish Need Apply:’ Myth of victimization?

TweetI read something that surprised me this morning, in a book review in The Wall Street Journal. As is fairly typical in opinion pieces in the Journal, the reviewer repeatedly expressed disdain for the author of a book about Irish politics in Boston whenever he failed to be insufficiently conservative (praising him for not dwelling […]

Fall from grace says something about being Ken Ard, but almost nothing about being Republican

TweetThe State tried this morning to foreshadow the Ard resignation with two stories. One speculated on how Glenn McConnell will dodge the unthinkable fate of being demoted to the useless, meaningless job of lieutenant governor. The other dealt with the phenomenon we’ve seen plenty of over the last couple of years — the state Democratic Party’s […]

Almost ran for office; it happened just the other day…

Tweet Speak out, you got to speak out against the madness, you got to speak your mind, if you dare. But don’t no don’t try to get yourself elected If you do you had better cut your hair. — Crosby, Stills and Nash Pursuant to our previous discussion of ponytails and their relationship to credibility […]

Yo, Sun-Times: Why not just get rid of your whole editorial board while you’re at it?

TweetI’ve seen some mealy-mouthed excuses and lazy cowardice in my late lamented newspaper career, but I don’t recall when I’ve seen anything to match the Chicago Sun-Times’ decision to abandon political endorsements, which was announced in the paper today. You can read the whole sorry mess at the paper’s website, but I’m going to copy […]

South Carolina: If you care about the country, it’s important that you vote for Mitt Romney today

TweetAnd so in the end, it comes down to this: The only chance to prevent Newt Gingrich from going forward strengthened, with a chance of winning the GOP nomination, is to vote for the guy no one seems to actively like: Mitt Romney. Staying home does no good. Voting for Ron Paul or Rick Santorum […]

In an interesting parallel, Tom Davis backs Ron Paul

TweetEarlier this evening, Sen. Tom Davis put out this release: SENATOR TOM DAVIS ENSORSES RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT“It’s easy to campaign on lower taxes, less spending and fewer regulations – it’s another thing entirely to stand up for these limited government principles when the entire Washington establishment is aligned against you. Yet for more than […]

Yeah, we know. That’s why we can’t afford basic government services. Not news.

Tweet The SC Senate Republican Caucus is bragging on how terrific it is that people hardly have to pay any taxes to support state government in South Carolina. Great job they’re doin’ ain’t it? The thing is, that’s not news to anyone except the out-of-touch people who go around complaining about how high taxes are […]