Birthers and the concept of leadership

TweetSomeone brought to my attention this Anderson Cooper interview with an Arizona legislator who supported a bill to require that anyone running for president on the ballot in Arizona produce a birth certificate to establish his bona fides. What interested me about this is not yet another silly argument over the absurd things birthers believe. […]

“I am now semicool,” says Graham to Friedman

TweetOver the weekend one of my favorite columnists (Tom Friedman) wrote about one of my favorite SC politicians (Lindsey Graham). The subject is the Energy Party-certified energy/climate change compromise that Sens. Graham, Kerry and Lieberman are working on. The result is worth reading. An excerpt: We start with politics. The Republican Party today has a […]

These guys cannot POSSIBLY be serious

TweetI find myself remembering a scene in “Gettysburg,” the video adaptation of The Killer Angels, in which a couple of Confederate soldiers, asked by a Union officer why in the world they’re fighting, explain with great dignity that they’re fighting for their “rats.” Hearing a reference to rodents, the officer questions them further until it […]

Mullins grabs some attention, but fails on civility

TweetYou may recall that I haven’t been too impressed with Mullins McLeod. I’ve generally dismissed his campaign as being… what’s the word… trite, I suppose. His campaign releases have sort of struck a generic populist pose, trying to project him as a regular guy who’s tired, just as you good people out there are, of […]

What’s at stake in tomorrow’s elections? Nothing, unless you live there

TweetBoy, am I tired of hearing references to the Tuesday elections in Virginia and New Jersey by the national media as something with national import, the most common intellectually lazy assertion being that they are somehow A Referendum On Barack Obama. How absurd. When people go to the polls in Virginia to elect a governor, […]

O wad some Power the Internet gie us

TweetFolks who routinely travel beyond state lines return shaking their heads at the image of South Carolina that those from elsewhere hold in their heads. You know the drill: Mark Sanford in Argentina, Joe Wilson shouting “You lie!,” the Confederate flag flying on the lawn of our State House, etc. If only there were some […]

Friedman plugs the Energy Party agenda

TweetWe haven’t spoken much about the Energy Party lately, what with being obsessed with the economy and all (see, I told y’all this wouldn’t be fun before we started). Thank goodness, Tom Friedman took the time earlier this week to get us back on track by touting a key plank of the Party platform, in […]

Don’t give up on Afghanistan, Mr. President

TweetSo when did we start speaking of Afghanistan as though it were Iraq? I seem to recall that the people who wanted us out of Iraq, until very recently were saying: Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan is the must-win war. Afghanistan is the place that harbored Osama bin Laden and others responsible for 9/11. It’s horrible the […]

Sanford’s bizarre new admissions embolden critics

TweetThis morning, The State wrote about how politicians were backing away from calling for Mark Sanford’s resignation. But that was before he, for whatever bizarre reasons (I can’t imagine what possessed him), decided to give interviews in which he: Said he met with his inamorata five times, not three, in the past year. Said she […]

Down with early voting

TweetWalt McLeod’s nephew the gubernatorial candidate took aim at populist sentiment among Democrats with this release a few moments ago: McLeod Pushes Election Reform: Vows to Fight for Early Voting in SC Today, Democratic candidate for Governor Mullins McLeod pushed to reform our election laws by making it easier for South Carolinians to exercise their […]

We need the right kind of politics to become usual

TweetBy the way, on the subject of Dems running for governor, I got this release today from Mullins McLeod, which says in part: In order to clamp down on politics-as-usual in the governor’s office, Mullins McLeod has made the following pledge to the people of South Carolina. (1) No PAC Money. Corporations and special interests […]

Another hat in the ring: Mullins McLeod

TweetAnother Democrat has openly expressed interest in next year’s race for governor: Calling for Change, Mullins McLeod Announces Run for Governor “We Deserve a Governor Who Focuses on Creating Jobs — For a Change,” says McLeod In a letter to delegates to this weekend’s South Carolina Democratic Convention, Charleston attorney and successful small businessman Mullins […]

Brave new world of political discourse

Tweet By BRAD WARTHENEDITORIAL PAGE EDITORONCE, NOT so long ago, serious people decried the reduction and trivialization of political ideas to the level of a bumper sticker. Some days, I long for the coherence, the relevance, the completeness of bumper stickers.    Let’s knit together a few of the unraveled threads that have frayed my mind […]