Papa’s got a brand-new boss (No, really!)

For those of you keeping score, it was announced this morning that our current publisher, Ann Caulkins, will be going to Charlotte after all. But she will not be replaced by Lou Heldman from Wichita. Lou, I am told, had a change of heart about uprooting his family, and decided to stay in Kansas.

Our new publisher — and I think it’s for keeps this time — will be Henry Haitz, currently publisher of the Bradenton Herald.

The announcement was made at 9 this morning– before his arrival — to our senior staff, then he was presented to employees in general in the atrium at 10 (that’s where the rather blurry picture Maypurge_071was taken — papa needs to work on his digital photo skills). He then met with senior staff for an hour.

I knew Lou slightly, from years ago, but we’ll be starting fresh with Mr. Haitz — which is probably good for me, depending on how you look at it. Seriously, though, I had been pretty psyched to be working with Lou. I had meant to e-mail him to tell him I was sorry when his move here was put on hold, but since it was still a potentiality, I didn’t — it would have looked like brown-nosing. Now I’m free to tell him.

So far, everything I’ve heard from and about regarding Henry Haitz is good, but I don’t know as much about his as I did Lou (hence the "Mr." Haitz, even though he’s 10 years my junior). I expect to get to know a good deal more in the next couple of days, and a lot more than THAT when he starts officially, two weeks from today.

That’s it for now. I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up.

4 thoughts on “Papa’s got a brand-new boss (No, really!)

  1. Doug

    Take a look at the URL that got assigned
    to this post. It may not be the what you were
    hoping for due to truncating the title.

  2. Dave

    do you pronounce his last name as “hates”. I can see it now, Henry hates to come to meetings with Brad. (No, he will appreciate your intellect), OR Henry hates to lead The State. Go Henry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Bob Tomko

    You pronouce his name like “heights”.
    I went to school with Henry. My Dad saw his promotion announcement in a local Philly paper (I’m in San Diego) and told me about it.
    Is there an email address for him there at the paper? I’d like to suprise him with a “congrats” email! If there is, can I indulge you to email me and tell me what it is?
    Bob in San Diego


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