Modest hoopla

This is a subtle thing, but I’ll share it anyway.

I couldn’t help noticing something that this release from Buddy Witherspoon…

Buddy Witherspoon for U.S. Senate
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  –  June 9th, 2008

The Buddy Witherspoon for U.S. Senate campaign will be hosting an Election Night gathering on June 10th at 7pm.  The event will be held at Sticky Fingers, which is located at 380 Columbiana Blvd., (near Columbiana Mall) Columbia, SC.  Buddy’s supporters and the media are welcome to attend.

… and this one from Rob Miller…

June 9, 2008
Media Advisory

Rob Miller to Address Supporters Tuesday Night
Rob Miller, Democratic candidate for Congress in the Second Congressional District of South Carolina, will address supporters Tuesday night in Columbia at his campaign’s Primary night celebration.

Miller for Congress Primary Night Celebration
June 10, 2008 – 7:00 PM
The Inn at USC – 1619 Pendleton Street, Columbia (Palmetto Room)

… had in common. Namely, neither is claiming that this will be a victory celebration, as so many campaigns tend to do.

In Mr. Witherspoon’s case, the lack of hubris is well advised. In the other case, I’ve had the impression that Rob Miller had a pretty good shot at his party’s nomination in the 2nd congressional district. His opponent might have rank on him, but I don’t think that gives him the advantage. We’ll see, though.

5 thoughts on “Modest hoopla

  1. David

    Buddy Witherspoon has all of the characteristics I want to see in my favorite candidate:
    -He’s running against Lindsey Gramnesty.
    In my opinion this is about the only qualification necessary to convince me to support him.
    No matter how unmotivated I am to vote for J. F’ing McCain, the drive I have to vote against Gramnesty is like a burning coal in my gut. I cannot wait to help send this snake back to Greenville or Mudwallop or wherever the hell he came from. If for some reason Buddy Witherspoon can’t keep Gramnesty off the ballot, then I’ll vote for a democrat challenger. Whatever it takes. David

  2. Lee Muller

    If Obama is elected, he’ll commit an impeachable offense within the first year. That’s his nature.

  3. David

    I may have expressed myself a little childishly, because I wanted to convey a sense of my visceral dislike for Lindsey Graham.
    But the way I feel about what I believe is his utter betrayal of conservative principles, and what I intend to do about those feelings, is very, very adult. I assure you I am being completely cold and calculating when I say that my vote this fall will be one against Lindsey Gramnesty, no matter what it costs. I am perfectly willing for our senate seat to go to a partial-birth-abortion-supporting/BIG tax liberal democrat if that is what it takes to get Gramnesty gone.
    Now, as for voting for Obama: My name will be in your obits (assuming you still have obits this fall) before I vote him. I may or may not vote for McCain, but you needn’t concern yourself that I might cast a vote for such a complete fraud as Osama. Dave


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