Robert’s got his mojo working!


One of Michael Feldman’s gags on the show today was to insist that Robert Ariail and I must be the same person, because we both left the paper at the same time, and he had never seen us together.

But even as we spoke, Robert was getting the bugs worked out on his blog, and now it’s up and fully operational — which it was not yesterday. Go there, and enjoy.

So this proves that I’m not him. Or he. And besides, I wear glasses and he doesn’t. Duh.

3 thoughts on “Robert’s got his mojo working!

  1. brad

    OH, no! Maybe we are the same person!

    I forgot that Robert nowadays wears reading glasses when drawing. As you can see from this video, when he he’s not doing close work, he does not.

    But nice catch there, Greg. And even in the video, you can see that he wears bowties, just like someone else we know. Man, the clues are just piling up! Maybe Paul is dead, after all…

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